How to Remove and Replace the Cabin Pollen Filter
for the Astra j and GTC.
Pull out the Door Seal just by the side of the Glove Box
to gain Access to the side Trim so it can be Removed.
Just Pull the side Trim away
to Gain Access to the 4 Bolts.
Remove 4, 7mm Bolts from the Glove Box.
Take care when you Pull the Glove Box out
not to Brake or Damage the Glove Box Light
it Just Pushes out.
You will now see the Flap for the Pollen Filter
its Held in by Two screws.
when you have the Two Screws out just Pull
the Clips from each side
and the Flap will fold Down
To get the Pollen Filter out
use a small Screw Driver to pull the Filter out
when you get it out just Refit in Reverse
but make sure the Dark side of the Pollen Filter faces up
make a Note of the Direction of the Arrows
go on the Pollen Filter.
Your Dealer will Replace the Pollen Filter every 3 Years
and for what they Cost about £10 and a 15 Minute job to Replace
i would Recommend Replacing them every Year
to keep your car Smelling nice and Fresh
and keep the Heater Blowers and Air Con in Top Condition.
Signs of a Bad Pollen Filter are
a Musty smell and Misting up Windows
when the Heater Blowers are on.