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Let's get the forum buzzing again... (March 25, 2022)x
DNT Wrote:Unfortunately I ve discovered them in a site thats similar to ebay in Turkey.
They cost about 22 pounds but language is a barrier in order to contact the seller .
cheers mate i will try and track them down as they do look good
worth a try
i did use a single load when i first did this
but errors were given on ether drl or side light
and two loads solved this problem
then they were totally error free
But our bulb holder is like this(right one): minuses at one side, positives (drl and sidelights) at the other side. You can see the difference on the picture:
And voila, leds work in both modes. Thats what i did with all the leds I ve tried so far and it worked like a charm
So most LED 7443 bulbs come like this
we need them to be like this
so they will dim down for side light
so it is like this for the j then if they wont dim down
With the two plus pins top and bottom on one side of the LED
and both negatives pins on the other side of the LED together
Then the LED is correct for the holder.
But i still stand by the ones from Hids Direct as they work
without having to do this.
So i recommend you all check the LED bulbs you have got
work first and they Dim down for the side light
before you wire the loads in to cancel errors
as if the LED bulbs are not correct you can still get blown bulb errors
and if the pins are wrong it will think the bulb has blown.
24:th-Jan-2015, 20:48:39 (This post was last modified: 2:nd-Apr-2015, 14:40:08 by Rusty2009.)
also i would like to update the way i wired the LED DRL,s up
i spliced in to the wires on the DRL
then i soldered and shrink wrapped the wires
then i added connectors to the other end of the wires
and the wires from the load resisters to make everything nice and safe
also i moved the loads to the metal plate in the battery tray
to keep them nice and dry.
I'm not too sure what is happening but I've just popped out now its dark and have had no faults at all with all lights working correctly. I'll check again the morning but I like the way you have spliced and soldered into the DRL wires, might have to do that myself when the weather warms up. Thanks Tucpal.
Just re-checked the new DRL's and they're refusing to work during daylight. They will work however when I over-ride the auto lights onto manual but when turned back to auto I get the errors. I'm thinking it could be the bulbs?
no i dont think so if they work correctly on manual
and at night then this has to be the sensor for the auto lights
i really dont understand why they would not work in auto
rusty can you check the wiring and find out whats going on
but why do you need auto lights anyway
its not hard to turn the lights on when its dark
if they work well in Manuel and give no errors
you could just leave it like that for now
i will have look thou for you and try and work this out
Hi Rusty. The DRL's do not come on during the day but when I put my hand over the sensor, headlights/sidelights do illuminate OK. Yes, I get the 'Check left and right daylight running lamp' error. However, when my 'normal' DRL bulbs were in up until yesterday, I haven't had any errors or problems at all with the automatic feature.
I would say it's the bulb then mate if at night you will only get sidelight. Even if you over ride the switch at night the only way to get DRL is to turn them off. Otherwise it's just dipped turn 1 then main beam turn 2.
Yes, I thought as much. I've decided to order the LED's recommended by Tucpal from HIDS Direct to see if this fixes the bug. Thanks for your input Rusty and also Tucpal. Cheers, Graham
make sure you take the loads off the wires
if you are using the standard bulbs
as they will blow if the loads are still on
the HIDS bulbs will work very well
test the bulbs work correct first
just ignore the errors for now
and when you are happy they dim down
and work for DRL then add the loads
to cancel the errors.
Hi. Can somebody help me please. I bought the resistors kit but when I was trying to install them I found out that the Cables are to short. I want to extend them but I need to know how much Amps the cables are for this 50w 6O Ohmes resistor. Thank You
28:th-Jan-2015, 04:52:01 (This post was last modified: 29:th-Jan-2015, 20:12:33 by tucpal.)
8 amp is what they use on the loads resistors
so that is what i used
i just spliced and the soldered and shrink wrapped the wires
to the DRL bulb holder
then you can have more wire
and place the load resistors were you like
New LED's from HIDS Direct arrived and I'm still getting faults with 'Check right position lamp', 'Check left position lamp'. The problem seems to lie when the lights come on automatically at dusk/dark areas and when I manually turn the headlights on. Sometimes one or the other DRL will go out but happily come back on the day after. If anyone can scratch their head, then as always its appreciated. Could it be the 50w resistors or a relay?
did you try the LED bulbs with out the loads first
if not try this and see how they are for a day
also check the bulbs are in the correct way and make sure they are dimming down for side light
if not turn the bulbs around in the holders till they do this
HI guys, I'll check the rear bulbs but I'm 99% sure I checked them last week. The LED's aren't dimming down so when I get more time on Sunday I'll turn them round and also try them without the loads. Thanks for your suggestions.
Hi Tucpal, I'm up in Oldham for a couple of days to visit family ( I live in Winsford nowadays) but I've managed to grab half an hour earlier to swap the new LED's around half a turn. Before I did, they were very bright and not dimming when I put sidelights/headlights on. After I swapped them, they are dimming and with no faults showing on the 'computer' screen. I only had the engine running for two minutes to check them so the real test will be over the next couple of days. The rear lights are all OK with no bulbs out. I hadn't realised there was a right or wrong way to put these bulbs in. Fingers crossed for now!
OK, I have driven the car about today, including my journey from Oldham to Winsford and all seems OK with them at last. It was obviously that the bulbs had been put in the wrong way. Doh.....thanks to Tucpal and Rusty!!!
just looking at the link in doing that with a fuse he basically has disabled the dim down function
i would not recommend that as they need to dim for side light.
If its any help, if you want a trip to Winsford I'll give you a lift with them, assuming the weather is dry as my garage won't fit a car in. Message me if its any help.