![[Image: vx.o.c.jpeg]](https://www.vxoc.org.uk/Images/vxoc%20astra-j-gtc/Logo/vx.o.c.jpeg)
The GTC does not need load resisters the LED bulbs will be plug and play error free.
This is what you will need for the LED DRLS.
Two LED DRL bulbs. 7443. 50/50
four 50w 6,ohm Load Resisters.
some clips x8 or solder and shrink wrap optional.
and some extra 8,ohm cable red and black.
So you can have extra cable to move the resisters
somewhere safe as you dont get much on the load resisters.
However to make the LED DRL Dim Down in Side Light mode Error free
an extra set of Load Resisters and a Extra 4 clips will be needed.
The bulbs look fantastic with a little projector on the front of the LED
and SMD,S on the outside of the LED so they are really bright and cover 360 degrees
the fit of the bulb in the holder is really good and there is no chance these will come out at all
the Load Resisters have two holes for screws so fitting these will be easy and safe
they do get Very Hot and should be Mounted some were safe so they will not Melt Anything.
STEP ONE.........
Remove the air filter box and the washer bottle etc
like you would when you change your DRL bulbs
follow this how to and remove the bits and the bulbs out of the holders.
Also before you start any work put a cloth down the air intake pipe
so you do not drop anything down there.
STEP TWO............
Fit the 4 Load Resisters Two Load Resisters to each DRL
placing them some where Safe and Preferably fit them to the Body of the car
to Something Metal as they do get Very Hot and may Melt Plastic
i Drilled a Pilot hole and used a self taper screw to keep them in Position
look before you Drill and make sure it is in a Safe Place.
STEP THREE.........
Make a small hole in the DRL Covers so you can get the 4 wires through from the Load Resisters
these wires will stay outside the Cover and any clips will be inside the cover
so make sure this is Threaded through Before you clip the Wires Together.
STEP FOUR.........
Look at the back of the DRL bulb you will see 4 Numbers
three wires marked 2 3 4 and 1 is blank
2, is side light, 3, is DRL Positive, 4 is Negative.
how to wire the Load Resisters up to the Correct Wires on the DRL
Snap Connectors are sent with the kit
Clip the Negatives from the Two Load Resistors
to the Negative on the DRL
in Position 4 you can use two Clips for this.
or you can Splice, Solder and Shrink Wrap if you wish.
Clip the Positive from one Load Resister
to the Positive on the DRL in Position 2, Side Light
Clip the Positive from the other Load Resister
to the Positive on the DRL Position 3, DRL.
Here is how the Clips Work.
I was sent 4, clips and 2, Load Resisters
but I recommend 8, clips and 4, Load Resisters
Two Load Resisters are needed for Each DRL
to make them Work Correctly and DIM Down in Side Light mode Error Free
Here is a Diagram to show how to Wire them in Correctly.
STEP FIVE...........
Refit the new LEDs Back into the Light Units
and push the Connectors in too the Gaps
Then Refit the DRL Covers you can put a Bit of Silicone
over the four Wires to close any Gaps in the Hole you made
Refit the Air filter Box and Test the new Lights are all Working Correctly
DO NOT start the Engine when the Air filter Box is not Back in Position.
The bulbs are Error Message Free and will not Upset the Canbus.
make sure Everything is fitted Correctly and you are all Done.
The LED are much brighter and whiter than the PIAA.
They will dim down from side light mode but they still look nice and bright.
LED AND MAIN LIGHTS Phillips extreme vision.
Here is a night time comparison LED vrs PIAA.
The LED is a purer white light and brighter than the PIAA.
And here are a few pics of the LED DRL,S AT NIGHT
They fill the light unit much better than the PIAA did.
These LED DRLS are Fantastic they are so much Better than the Standard Bulbs and the PIAA
the Pictures Really do not do them Justice at all they are a Really good Upgrade
and no Error Message is a Bonus and they will also Dim Down.
You Can Not just Add Two Positive Wires from one Load Resister
Two Load Resisters Per LED have to be used
for Them to Work Correctly Error Free.
Just got the LED bulbs from HID,S DIRECT
super fast next day Delivery they are a 27 SMD so much Better than the 18 SMD i had
They also Dim Down for Side Light and the fit is Perfect and not loose at all
they look so much Brighter so Highly Recommended..
LED Lights on DRL mode.
Side Light or Dimmed Down mode..
work perfect and they are the Best i have found so far
So from now on i am only Recommending these LED DRL,S...from HID,S DIRECT.
ALSO i recommend Splicing and Shrink Wrapping the wires
instead of using the Snap Connectors
SEE POST. 48, Below for more info.
And not All 7443 LED Bulbs will Dim Down for the Side Light
Test the Bulbs first and make Sure they will Dim Down
if not rotate the bulbs till they do
and if they will still not dim down for side light
look at the Posts Below for a fix as the Pins Need
to be Moved about to Make that work Correctly.
SEE POST. 47, below for more info on this problem.
The DRL LED must dim down for sidelight and main lights
this is part of the MOT RULES.
you do this at your own risk if you follow the how to correctly
there should be no problems thank you.