30:th-Aug-2020, 13:56:18
Had my car fixed fully on Thursday just gone. First garage thought it was a terminal engine fault but as mentioned in the thread the exhaust temp sensors read over 1000 degrees so it then dumped all the diesel into the engine to cool it down (obviously a bad fault on Vauxhall’s part). £400 for new air filter & oil filter plus the entire engine + exhaust system to be emptied of diesel, Then they cleared the dpf as it wouldn’t regen by itself. After this it went to Vauxhall for a software update which was £145 (had to buy car pass codes) and so far no issues. I did do a 300mile drive without the software update and the car was fine but don’t particularly want to spend £400 again to clear the filters etc. Vauxhall dealership was pretty shoddy and had no clue about anything but the guys working in service knew what was going on.