15:th-Feb-2016, 17:13:42
As per the title
I have been looking around this past few weeks into options for remapping my cdti 2.0, which is a 2013 165 s/s
Superchips haven't responded to my message, they have the 2011 gtc 165 listed, but not the j hatch
Quantum seemed expensive at around £480
DTUK (not a remap) could only advise that it may have a 60% chance of working with my car
On another forum someone mentioned a member (Steve) I think who offered a remap service, he appears to not read/open his PM's
Anyone else know of any other tuners offering a remap for my engine ?
I have been looking around this past few weeks into options for remapping my cdti 2.0, which is a 2013 165 s/s
Superchips haven't responded to my message, they have the 2011 gtc 165 listed, but not the j hatch
Quantum seemed expensive at around £480
DTUK (not a remap) could only advise that it may have a 60% chance of working with my car
On another forum someone mentioned a member (Steve) I think who offered a remap service, he appears to not read/open his PM's
Anyone else know of any other tuners offering a remap for my engine ?