As per the title
I have been looking around this past few weeks into options for remapping my cdti 2.0, which is a 2013 165 s/s
Superchips haven't responded to my message, they have the 2011 gtc 165 listed, but not the j hatch
Quantum seemed expensive at around £480
DTUK (not a remap) could only advise that it may have a 60% chance of working with my car
On another forum someone mentioned a member (Steve) I think who offered a remap service, he appears to not read/open his PM's
Anyone else know of any other tuners offering a remap for my engine ?
The ECU needs to come out on the 2.0CDTI 165ps S/S engines.
A few have had them remapped but it only seems to be up north way.
I believe this ecu remap can only be done upto 2011 2.0 cdti it looks like my search will continue then !
Just out of interest who remaps them "up north" ?
don't use the dtuk red box as there have been problems with it not working
some have used there cdr2 boxes but have no reports on it as yet
ask regal superchips and see what they say about it
Ring AMDEssex
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(15:th-Feb-2016, 17:13:42)andy2174 Wrote: [ -> ]As per the title
I have been looking around this past few weeks into options for remapping my cdti 2.0, which is a 2013 165 s/s
Superchips haven't responded to my message, they have the 2011 gtc 165 listed, but not the j hatch
Quantum seemed expensive at around £480
DTUK (not a remap) could only advise that it may have a 60% chance of working with my car
On another forum someone mentioned a member (Steve) I think who offered a remap service, he appears to not read/open his PM's
Anyone else know of any other tuners offering a remap for my engine ?
I have a racechip one which cost 100 quid. German tuning box. Rated at 200 HP, 300lbft. Throttle response improved dramatically and it pulls like a train especially in 4th, 5th. Better pickup in 6th as well. Haven't had it on a dyno though.
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I've never heard of that one
@marcus but it seems awesome and better than the 300 odd quid that dtuk want for theirs! I wanna buy one right now but worried about my warranty [PENSIVE FACE] [PENSIVE FACE] [PENSIVE FACE]
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Yeah I didn't want to spend 350 odd quid on a dtuk. Would have remapped it for that money. For 100 quid, it was a no brainer after I looked into racechip. Some videos on YouTube about them.
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Sweet!! I need to figure out this warranty thing though... Not worth ***** my engine up and being stuck with the bill!
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Interesting - racechip looks worth a punt at that price, I assume fitting was pretty straight forward ?
Also try blue spark they get good reviews on the 2.0 cdti but you would want the pro version with boost control and multiple maps
(18:th-Feb-2016, 12:30:01)andy2174 Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting - racechip looks worth a punt at that price, I assume fitting was pretty straight forward ?
Yeah pull a plug off the engine or near the engine and plug it into the chip.. Done. Will void warranty thats the only problem
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My warranty is only valid til June 16 anyway, so no real issues for me
According to the race chip site they say that the box cannot be traced when it's removed from the car! I've emailed them about this as if that's the case I'll get one!
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Its not your warranty you want too worry about the worry is that is it dfp compatible the box's with boost control are better
They say it won't damage or otherwise ***** up the dpf..
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The one I linked is much better option
Three times the price too [PENSIVE FACE] and have you used the race chip? The one you have may have good reviews but so does the race chip
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Yeah 10 min job including cable ties.
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So now I'm worried about warranty and dpf! Ha
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Easy to remove for servicing. They offer warranties on their products, think it is extra on the one chip though. The more expensive ones include warranty in the pricing. The more expensive ones don't offer much more performance gain compared to the cheaper one. Interestingly, they have reduced the power output on the cheap one because I reckon people weren't going for the more expensive ones. Power gain vs price thereof. The cheap one was rated at 209 HP when I bought it. It's 199 HP now. I emailed them to try and find out why but they weren't biting....
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Well that's great to hear mate! The lower spec one is good enough for me but I've been told that vauxhall can detect a chip even when removed...
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Look forward to the dyno results [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
Never ever had my dpf light on with or without racechip. Must have had the Racechip in for 10k now. No improvement in economy but then I do have a lead foot.... Especially now.
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(18:th-Feb-2016, 15:43:16)tucpal Wrote: [ -> ]Look forward to the dyno results [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
You paying?
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no but i will show you mine when i get this one Ha ha
What's wrong with blue fin
@tucpal? I was just looking at those and they seem good!
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they have to do the map at one of their dealers as far as i know
after 2012 they did something to the ecu on the 2.0 cdti and not all of them can be mapped apparently
unless they open the ECU and have a play about then they can do the programing
so they ask you to come in and see if they can do it first.
Ahhhh with you! Nice one dude [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
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Can't wait to see how you get on with it [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] I'm so peed off that I can't get one because of the warranty [PENSIVE FACE]
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(18:th-Feb-2016, 19:33:26)sheppy1 Wrote: [ -> ]What's wrong with blue fin @tucpal? I was just looking at those and they seem good!
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Blue fin is a classy implementation. Best of both worlds. Not visible and fully reversible via the obd port. Had one for my focus. Superchips only does the ecu removal for the stop/start like everyone else offering remaps. Superchips know their stuff. They don't offer as much performance improvement as the rest as I think they take a more conservative approach.
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So I guess it's the same with bluefin... Voids warranty the same as everyone else?
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I've got a Bluespark chip fitted to my 2011 2.0CDTi (165bhp) Stop/Start Estate. There are 5 different settings on it. I've got it on the Eco setting now and there is about 8% improvement in fuel economy. Had it on the middle setting last summer when I was towing the caravan and there was a massive improvement in torque. I've not tried higher than the middle setting yet.
Ordered up the base racechip today and will report back when it arrives and has been fitted

Sweet!!! I'm torn between getting a proper remap...A bluefin chip or the race chip!!! Either way I'm gonna wait I think as i'm too scared to void the warranty in case something breaks engine/gearbox wise and I end up getting lumped with a huge repair bill! Ha
I hear you being a little nervous, however, I have remapped/chipped plenty of my previous car, including a 3month Golf GTD and had no problems at all
You have to remember that bi-turbo 2.0 had 400nm and the racechip only exceeds that figure by 15nm/11lbft, so your gearbox should be safe, although saying that I dont know if the 1.7 has the same gearbox as the 2.0
The race chip doesn't exceed 400nm on the 1.7 version I don't think mate... And yeah not sure about the gearbox either! Not saying the chip will kill the car... Just if I have any unrelated engine issue then the warranty is void because of the chip
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(19:th-Feb-2016, 11:31:43)andy2174 Wrote: [ -> ]Ordered up the base racechip today and will report back when it arrives and has been fitted 
Interested to hear what you think of it once you have it installed. You do get used to the extra urgency.

I removed mine for a couple of days whilst I was investigating my coolant leak. Longest couple of days ever, I was gagging to plug it back in.
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M32 choc box on the 1.7
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Arrghhh I need one of these!!
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You guys declaring these to your insurance companies?
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most won't insure your car with performance boxes and some other performance mods so check first
i would only declare visible mods i would say it is an eco box to improve MPG if you feel the need to