11:th-Aug-2014, 17:54:02

Hey guys sorry for the delay with the pics it's been a long weekend and finally
Parked the car up and stayed in doors lol
I picked up my gtc on Friday and after a long wait at vauxhall everything was good to go
I've literally been over the moon with the car and even happier now I've finally got it.
As some of you know I was looking at getting some tint just couldn't decide how dark to go and if
I should do the fronts and the rears or just the rears so Once I left vauxhall I went straight to auto shades
In Sutton Surrey and ended up just getting the rears done with the option of possibly getting the fronts done in the future.
Anyways after being on the buzz of getting the new car and getting the rears tinted i was at a set of lights at a halt and I could here a whining noise from the front droning through the inside of the car at first I possibly thought it was just a fan and I was being paranoid but as I pulled away the noise stopped and continued to drone and make noise mainly when slowly coming to a halt or pulling away.
I took it back to vauxhall to get told I should live with it for a couple of weeks and then book it in even know the mechanic and parts manager clearly could hear the noise to which neither of them had a clue what it was.
I have booked the car in for tomorrow 5pm along as I can make it from work and have been told they will have the car for a couple of days and give me a car till mines fixed. So not been best pleased with vauxhall .
I love the car and I would defend it to the high hills if I had to but just annoyed already I have an issue
Anyways some pics should be below haven't got many and there not great ones but have a look