12:th-May-2020, 09:06:08
(9:th-May-2020, 10:26:51)Cav12345 Wrote: I've got an Astra J CDTI SRI 2.0
Hi everyone i'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.
i'm looking for some advice to installing a boost gauge i know how to install the gauge its self but unsure where i should tap the boost from.
i know that i can tap into the boost hose but i'mt not sure if that would give me a 100% pressure reading. so i'm thinking about tapping into the intake manifold just after the throttle body which i'm thinking would give me the correct readings of pressure for the gauge? or am i completely wrong?
but where abouts is the best place to tap into?
i've got a picture of a small section of my engine bay to where i think i may tap if anyone can point me in the right direction it be much appreciated.
Thanks for any advice.
Hi something I would like to do, come's from driving an RS focus with the boost/oil pressure/ oil temp gauges in the pod on top of the dash can never have enough gauge's