![[Image: 9nd4_zpsea5fce57.jpg]](https://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/9nd4_zpsea5fce57.jpg)
........... PART ONE .... HOW TO EDIT THEME FILES NAV 600 .... astra j / insignia ..............
You do This at Your own Risk if you Follow the How to Correctly
There Should be no Problems Thank You.
This how to will help you use the GM_RES_ PACKER/UNPACKER
and edit theme files on the Nav600 display
this will only work on a hacked Nav 600 after the Nav600/900 upgrade has been done for 3D maps.
this will not work on a standard Nav600 or Nav900 that has not had the upgrade done.
I hold no responsibility for anything that may go wrong it is up to yourself to do this correctly
and follow the instructions.
For the NAV600/900 upgrade see this link.
.... LINK ....
After you have done the download for the Nav600/900 upgraded 3d maps
you can download the GM_ RES_PACKER/UNPACKER.exe. here open it with winzip extract the files and save it to your documents.
...... LINK ......
You will need a USB stick formated to fat32
And you will be editing the nav600/900iso files you downloaded to do the nav600/900 upgrade.
editing or adding a new theme will delte any POI.S you have added speedcams etc
so they will need to be added again after each theme change also check map mode and fav settings again.
image.22.uli. is the day theme.
image.11.uli. is the night theme.
image.14.uli. is start up animation.
I will show you how to edit the background color on the screen in this how to
this is just to show you how to do it
the same process will apply to any other thing you edit nav bars icons etc
you can use whatever you like to make an image paint, photo shop, etc.
Go to your documents and open the files MIGRATE_600to900 and click the DNL file till you come to g-mpeu10 and click on that
then you see a list of image files select the one you want i have selected images.22.uli. the day theme.
![[Image: DSC03495_zpstxzolohc.jpg]](https://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/tucpal/DSC03495_zpstxzolohc.jpg)
When you click the images.22.uli in the nav600/900 files
the gm_ res_ unpacker.exe will open then click the open file icon
then keep clicking the DNL files till it opens the images files list
and then select images.22.uli.
and then press open.
Next press the pack icon on the gm_ res_unpacker.exe
then close the gm_ res_unpacker.exe this will make a temp file to edit
in the nav600/900 files.
Next open the new temp file you have made
and keep pressing the dnl, dev files till it opens the images.22.uli. file images
you will now see the images that you can edit.
For the background image i have selected bg_without_anberbar.bng
i will just change the color to blue in paint and press save in paint
this will alter the image in the image files to a blue background.
Then close the Nav600/900 files and go back to your documents or wherever you have saved the gm_ res_packer.exe.
and open the file then select the gm_ res_packer.exe
press the open file icon and press the DNL DEV files till you see DEV/ images22.uli.spisok.hz then press save.
Next click the pack icon on the gm_res_packer.exe
and edit the file name images22.uli.new so it now says images22.uli.
and then press save and after that close the gm_res_packer.exe
Now go back to the Nav600/900 files
and press the DNL files again till you get back to the UIL list
then look for images.22.uli. and delete this file from the list.
Next go to the top of the list and click the temp file
and click it till you see the DEV file with the new images.22.uli you have made
then right click and copy the new images.22.uli.
then close the nav 600/900 files.
Open the Nav600/900 files again and click the DNL files
till you see the uil image file list and look for 21.uli and 23.uil
and right click and paste images.22.uli. into its correct position.
And the last thing to do is go to the top of the uil. list and delete the temp file from the nav600/900 files.
the files are now edited and repacked ready to load to a USB stick
and upload to the nav 600 and you can enjoy your new theme.
............................WARNINGS AND RECOVERY..............................
Remember the day theme has a black font and the night theme has a white font
so choose your background color carefully if it is too dark you will not see the fonts in day mode
and if you use white fonts for night mode the same thing will happen to the white fonts and that will not be good
and will make the words on the nav display disappear.
You can not add a night theme images.11.uli. to the day theme position image.22.uli
in the nav600/900 image file list this will make the navi display go blank
the same will happen if you try and add two night theme fonts to make the day and night letters go white
you can not just delte font_new.uli and replace it with font.uli. so you have two font.uli locations
this will make the display go blank and it must be recovered using the original nav600/900 usb stick and disc
you have to load the usb again push the center confirm knob then click left once and then press confirm again
this will be done when the screen has no image then waite 15mins and then load the disc
and wait till the nav display kicks back into life then the images on the display will then come back.
then load the usb again follow onscreen directions.
Examples of what is possible by editing the themes
can be found in the post below thanks.
.....Please read this.....
Remove any poi,s before doing an updated or new theme.
If you are doing a theme update and have upgraded the nav SD card to a newer version
than you used for the original nav 600/900 update
then you must remove the newer SD card
and then reinstall the SD card you first used before doing any new theme update etc
after the theme update has been done and the system has rebooted
then you can put your newer SD card back in and it will update the card again
then put any POI,S back on.
Anyone who has a nav 900 SD card will need a theme that runs with v200 or v208
the card will bring up all the files for voice recognition on the nav, usb, etc
and the nav will speak to you but you still can not talk to it.
Pressing the phone button on the nav unit first before pressing the steering wheel button
is a normal function of a nav900 the same would apply if you wanted to talk to the nav usb etc on a nav900.
The original nav600/900 update is a v181 file
most themes are v200 when you update a theme in full it will become a v200 file
you can swap or copy and paste a image file say uli.14. uli.22. and uli.11. from another v200 theme
but do not try and copy and paste any other resbin.file or system file or font.uli etc from a v208 or v181 file into a v200
as mixing system files will brick the nav unit.
best thing to do is just alter the uli.image files only and do not attempt to alter any system files at all
the gm-respacker will not repack any system batch files ,resbin etc it will only pack the image.uli.files.
some v200 theme files have had there poi icons set up with speed icons 30, 40, 50, etc
these have been edited and will show on the nav map and pop up speed camera icon
and the poi list in the nav settings as 40mph symbol etc
this type of theme files are best avoided as they look crap
you can not edit the resbin. to remove these symbols from the nav map so there best avoided.
what you want is the v200 files that have the poi icons for the speedcams image
they look much better and have the starry night sky in the night theme sat nav
to check you have the correct ones before you upload it to the car
look in image.20.uli with the gm-res unpacker and check the images for the speedcam image
if it has the 30, 40, 50, 60, etc look for a different theme.
Do not try and add two night themes or two day themes to a v181 v200 v208 file
same with fonts you need to have night and day or the text color will vanish.
there are v208 files out there there the latest files but they're no different to the v200 files
the problem will come when say if you made a mistake on the update of a theme with v208
and you have already used v208 before and the nav unit goes into bootloader mode
then you need a v208 res disc to recover the nav unit like you did when you first installed the original v181 3d map update
if you were to add the v181 disc if your v208 usb did crash then it could brick the nav
so if you are using v208 then stick with the v208 files and only update the images.uli.1 to 24 and you should have no problems.
if you have v208 and uploaded a v200 or v181 theme in full to the nav unit you risk going into bootloader mode and risk brick without the v208 res disk.
If you are unsure about doing any editing or updating don't be afraid to ask on here
beware also there are bad links out there as well as good ones on the interweb so we only recommend
you use links to themes that have been proven to work again we hold no responsibility
for anything that goes wrong doing this type of update is purely at your own risk.
You do This at Your own Risk if you Follow the How to Correctly
There Should be no Problems Thank You.