So, car's been down our local garage and he's just rang to say that he thinks the problem is with one of the temperature sensors. Bear with me now as I'm not the most mechanically inclined people on the block...
He says there are two sensors on the exhaust/ engine (cant remember his exact words) but one is reading 350c when he tried a regen and the other was registering 0c. He had a go at taking out the errant sensor which he said was easy to get to but he could only slide it out about half way as it was too long to get past the fan. So he said he will have to remove the fan in order to get this sensor out.
He also said that there was loads of black smoke coming from the exhaust but the car would not finish the regen, it just continued through part of the cycle, probably because it wasn't reading the sufficient temp. He also said the diagnostic read that the filter had a saturation level of 105%, so we're stuck in limbo now because he can't get the part until tomorrow and he can't fit us in until Thursday, absolute mare...
Bloody cars not 4 years old and a faulty sensor looks like it's going to cost a fortune.
He says there are two sensors on the exhaust/ engine (cant remember his exact words) but one is reading 350c when he tried a regen and the other was registering 0c. He had a go at taking out the errant sensor which he said was easy to get to but he could only slide it out about half way as it was too long to get past the fan. So he said he will have to remove the fan in order to get this sensor out.
He also said that there was loads of black smoke coming from the exhaust but the car would not finish the regen, it just continued through part of the cycle, probably because it wasn't reading the sufficient temp. He also said the diagnostic read that the filter had a saturation level of 105%, so we're stuck in limbo now because he can't get the part until tomorrow and he can't fit us in until Thursday, absolute mare...
Bloody cars not 4 years old and a faulty sensor looks like it's going to cost a fortune.