Well I was thinking that the bluefin could have caused the issues... They offer a warranty so thought I'd ring and see what they said... And wow the guy I got was a prick!
He said I have to prove that the remap caused it... Yeah, never gonna be able to prove that am I! He then said it's not up to them to fix it anyway as it's something vauxhall should sort... I said yeah I agree unless their remap caused it... He then said "we won't have caused it as we have only ever had to pay out for 1 claim once and that's because one of our guys broke a piece of plastic while doing the remap". To that I answered yeah no one has claimed because you make it impossible for anyone to do so! They ask for proof of something that cannot be proved and then tell you to go to the dealer anyway... He then said it's total lies about the fact that vauxhall can tell if a remap has occurred... What a class act he was! Then the line conveniently went dead.
Now we know why they offer a warranty. As a sales thing and they never actually let anyone claim
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
Fave line of the whole thing though was "it can't be caused by us as we have never had one of our remaps break anything so far"... Nice
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
Or the other great line I remembered was "you're going to need to have it checked our by an independent garage and have them prove we caused the issue" I said okay how do I go about doing that? And he replied "good question, we don't know as we have never had anyone need to make a claim before"... What a dick!
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
He said I have to prove that the remap caused it... Yeah, never gonna be able to prove that am I! He then said it's not up to them to fix it anyway as it's something vauxhall should sort... I said yeah I agree unless their remap caused it... He then said "we won't have caused it as we have only ever had to pay out for 1 claim once and that's because one of our guys broke a piece of plastic while doing the remap". To that I answered yeah no one has claimed because you make it impossible for anyone to do so! They ask for proof of something that cannot be proved and then tell you to go to the dealer anyway... He then said it's total lies about the fact that vauxhall can tell if a remap has occurred... What a class act he was! Then the line conveniently went dead.
Now we know why they offer a warranty. As a sales thing and they never actually let anyone claim
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
Fave line of the whole thing though was "it can't be caused by us as we have never had one of our remaps break anything so far"... Nice
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
Or the other great line I remembered was "you're going to need to have it checked our by an independent garage and have them prove we caused the issue" I said okay how do I go about doing that? And he replied "good question, we don't know as we have never had anyone need to make a claim before"... What a dick!
Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk