Kris - Replies:
27 - Views: 15749
DTUK Box - 1.6T
just wondering if anyone has the same car as me or the 180 version boxed and what kinda gains were you getting?
Im going to buy a box if I can as theres no mention of the 1.6T 200 on the site so have sent a message to see if the 180 is the same, I'm just wondering would i ten be close to the 240bhp range? And if so would this put any strain to any parts on my car?
Also what bout a pedal box, anyone got one and think they are worth it?
Kris - Replies:
9 - Views: 7101
Anyone selling theirs? Can do paypal/bank transfer/ebay - whatever you want just don't wanna pay DTUK asking price lol.
Kris - Replies:
5 - Views: 5866
Pedal box
So I've just fitted the pedal box to my car and it's definitely changed.
I'm just worried it's going to use a lot more fuel.
Like for instance. - usually I drive round and say I'm in 3rd outing my foot down to change to 4th it might say I'm getting 11/12mpg.
With the pedal box on I had it in sport+ and level 3 it's saying I'm getting 5mpg.
Even when I've put my foot down flat out I've never seen it go as low as 5mpg I've seen 8mpg bombing it down in 3rd/4th.
So my old man has a 1.
F40 box and aircon
So this morning sat in traffic engine upto temp car in neutral I put aircon on, traffic started moving and I had to fight to get it in 1st gear.
Turned aircon off slipped in 1st no problem.
Put aircon on again incase I was imaging it and again had to fight to get 1st gear.
Anybody else noticed this?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sky+ HD wireless box
Stage 1 Racechip tuning box for 2.0 cdti
Purchased approx 5 weeks ago direct from racechip.de
With original packaging, documentation and invoice/warranty
The only thing missing is the original black cable ties (as I used them), but, I'll add some white cable ties in if required
Fitted to my 2.0 cdti, currently on map 3 out of 4 settings (which can be easily changed)
Very simple to fit and adjust the settings
Removed from my car today as I am going to be moving the car on for an Astra J VXR
£70.00 delivered, postage
Tonto - Replies:
16 - Views: 15113
Bluespark Automotive Tuning Box
Maxchip Pro Dual Tuning box - SOLD
As some of you may know I picked up this tuning box about 4 weeks ago
Had my fun out of it, but, I am having a change of my cars, keeping the Astra, but, it will revert to standard, sold the VXR and picking up a smart mhd as my local run around car
When I purchased the box it was sold to me as a 224bhp/335lbft version, however, the figures on maxchips website are somewhat confusing now and its listed as 210bhp and 327lbft
Its a dual pro box, so monitors both boost pressure and fueling
DTUK tuning box
Noticed this on ebay for you guys with the cdti gtc. Says parts but for a tenner it's worth a try surely. Read description I would guess it should be fine for a non stop start version.
[Image: http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z331...144141.png ]
Pedal Box
Probably stupid question but are the pedal boxes model dependant?, can an Astra H pedal box be used on an Astra J