19:th-May-2016, 15:17:59
What I'm saying mate is that that the money that can be saved either way is so inconsequential that it's not worth worrying about either way. You can change your driving styles, even change the routes you take, but if you're only saving a few quid a week the money just ends up disappearing down the back of the sofa anyway, you see nothing back from that saving. Hence why I said, unless you are very heavy footed the quest for mpg greatness never really counts to much.
I am sure that if we all drive down a particular road, at a particular speed and [x] rpm in a particular gear we can all achieve a spectacular mpg return, but that's not real life, unless you are doing that route every day and it accounts for the majority of your driving life. So, in conclusion and imho nobody should become engrossed in any kind of debate regarding mpg, driving styles and different journeys unless they are either concerned that they cannot afford to run their car or just like comparing results with others, bragging rights etc.
I am sure that if we all drive down a particular road, at a particular speed and [x] rpm in a particular gear we can all achieve a spectacular mpg return, but that's not real life, unless you are doing that route every day and it accounts for the majority of your driving life. So, in conclusion and imho nobody should become engrossed in any kind of debate regarding mpg, driving styles and different journeys unless they are either concerned that they cannot afford to run their car or just like comparing results with others, bragging rights etc.