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5:th-Jun-2014, 18:12:12 (This post was last modified: 12:th-Feb-2015, 03:17:39 by tucpal.)
baz i know you are good with parts i need the part number checking for the front lower grill
number 18 in this picture VXLINE FRONT BUMPER 2010 too 2012.
also i need the part number for the front lower grill 21 22 for my front bumper
i need to know if that is the same part on both front bumpers
100% sure it is the same part but i need to check as this will be a go ahead project very soon
i will not be able to retro fit the fogs into the indicator surrounds
they will have to go in to the front lower grill if i am to keep the front fogs
so it looks like i will not be doing the front fogs and losing them
but that is no big deal as the errors would only come on when the fogs are switched on
and i can live with that
the last thing i need to check also is the part number for the front grill number 11
and rusty i need that cross reference with your front grill as i think the VXline uses the face lift front grill on the biturbo ?
5:th-Jun-2014, 18:40:17 (This post was last modified: 19:th-Jun-2014, 17:48:57 by tucpal.)
the bumper i will be getting will be 2010 too 2012 and they are different than the new biturbo front bumper
there is not enough room for the fogs on the older style indicators shrouds.
i have seen 1000.s of biturbos now and never has one had fogs ?
i did notice the limited edition models with the biturbo front bumper are coming to an end now
and they will get a front lower spoiler on the facelift front bumper now instead
but i have never seen fogs on the VXline or the biturbo as yet and do not believe this is an option at all ??
also as i have the pre face lift i need the VXline 2010 to 2012 to fit the car without changing the front support brackets
so as you have the facelift you would need the new biturbo front bumper 2013 to 2015.
7:th-Jun-2014, 15:40:32 (This post was last modified: 23:rd-Jun-2014, 02:23:02 by tucpal.)
just got a real bargain and at an unbelievable price as Vauxhall quoted £280 for the pair
so i got the indicator shrouds and lights for the VXLINE bumper i need
I have never seen a set for sale ever on ebay and at £18 i am very happy.
so in a few weeks i will get the bumper and get it sprayed
swap the lower grill over and the bottom plastic trim bit that goes underneath with the splitter on it from my bumper
then i need the top front grill and the two plastic trim bits that go either side of the number plate just above the front lower grill
then the tow eye cover that is in two bits
and then swap the loom from my bumper to the new bumper
and then the bumper should then go on the car
INDICATOR SHROUD. 13 337 862. LEFT HAND. 13 337 863. RIGHT HAND.
10:th-Jun-2014, 20:30:29 (This post was last modified: 19:th-Jun-2014, 17:53:35 by tucpal.)
can someone please find the price for the number 3 piece in the top picture
there should also be a left and right
i have been offered a set for £50 but i think that is a bit steep.
part number for the bumper is 13321711 vxline 2010 2012.
10:th-Jun-2014, 20:54:52 (This post was last modified: 19:th-Jun-2014, 17:53:52 by tucpal.)
cheers dude but i can not get to the phone in work on days and dealers have to be shown things as there hopeless
i may just go for it as there the hardest bits to find
15:th-Jun-2014, 11:11:17 (This post was last modified: 1:st-Feb-2015, 01:01:15 by tucpal.)
rusty can you take some measurements of the front grill for me from your car
i know the face lift wont fit the pre face lift but the vxline has a smaller front grill
and i am thinking this may fit the vxline.
15:th-Jun-2014, 11:48:03 (This post was last modified: 23:rd-Jun-2014, 02:17:24 by tucpal.)
thankyou i shall work that out
no it wont fit i looked at one today and it sits further in than the VXLINE so no look there
but i will either color code the grill but more than likely do it gloss black
17:th-Jun-2014, 17:27:30 (This post was last modified: 23:rd-Jun-2014, 02:18:20 by tucpal.)
little update i am picking a vxline bumper up on saturday
got a price for the tow eye cover,s and side trims either side of the number plate for £98 BRAND NEW.
17:th-Jun-2014, 18:54:09 (This post was last modified: 29:th-Jan-2015, 19:37:52 by tucpal.)
going to have to get rid of the fogs there is no room in the indicator or in the indicator shroud
the only place they would go is the front lower grill
and then there is the light alignment problem also
so it looks like they will have to be left off the car and i will leave them connected up for now and buy a new lower grill
and see if i can fit them in there
i was thinking something like this
21:st-Jun-2014, 14:40:50 (This post was last modified: 1:st-Feb-2015, 01:00:00 by tucpal.)
Picked up the front GSI. VXLINE. BUMPER TODAY.
and i have tried the indicators and they fit perfect
so now i have got alot of sanding back and priming to do to get it ready for paint
i will get the tow eye covers and side trims by the number plate and washer jet covers next week
but this will go a bit slow now untill i have sorted out my other problem i am having
but it all should be done soon.
21:st-Jun-2014, 16:45:05 (This post was last modified: 29:th-Jan-2015, 19:39:32 by tucpal.)
tucpal Wrote:picked up the front VXLINE BUMPER TODAY
and i have tried the indicators and they fit perfect
so now i have got alot of sanding back and priming to do to get it ready for paint
i will get the tow eye covers and side trims by the number plate and washer jet covers next week
but this will go a bit slow now untill i have sorted out my other problem i am having
but it all should be done soon.
yes it should be done by trax thats the date to aim for but hopefully before
i also noticed the vxline front bumper does not have the black plastic splitter at the bottom so i am happy about that
i may do a bit of sanding this week and get the primer done at the weekend
but paint will have to wait a few weeks
so i spent all day flattening the bumper back with 180 grit and then 400 grit
to get rid of the clear coat and make a good key for the primer
so i am ready for a bit of filling and i have two small cracks to sort out
then the plastic primer and primer filler will be put on
and then more rubbing down to get it nice and smooth with 400 grit and 600 grit and 1200 grit
to get a good surface for the paint
it should be ready to go for paint by the weekend but it will have to wait a few more weeks
as i need the tow eye cover and the washer jet covers for the paint to :cool
tucpal Wrote:so i spent all day flattening the bumper back so i am ready for a bit of filling and i have two small cracks to sort out
and then primer and primer filler and more rubbing down to get it nice and smooth for the paint
it should be ready for paint by the weekend :cool
Your bumper should sell for a good price as it's got the irmsher splitter on, how much u gonna ask for it??. I might be interested lol
not alot the fogs will not be included they will be sold separate and the loom will also not be included as that will be used
and also the bottom grill will be used on my bumper and the bottom bumper bracket will also be used
but the top grill and the bumper and spoiler and spliter about £100.
but not selling just yet
26:th-Jun-2014, 19:40:52 (This post was last modified: 26:th-Jun-2014, 19:41:57 by Turner_SRi.)
Nice little write up at the moment, I have always liked VX-Line interested in hearing if your are continuing going with VX-Line throughout the exterior of your car. Those rims are still harder to find than unicorn droppings though unfortunately for me :(
26:th-Jun-2014, 23:36:15 (This post was last modified: 29:th-Jan-2015, 19:40:04 by tucpal.)
No mate just need the top grill part number and price 11
also number 4 price and part number
and need to know if 13 is the same part as my pre facelift bumper.
if you need a reg for a vxline take the one in the first pictures at the top thanks
the bumper will be listed under. ventec gsi vxr 2010 too 2012 pre facelift
27:th-Jun-2014, 22:58:04 (This post was last modified: 1:st-Feb-2015, 00:51:55 by tucpal.)
so just an update
i went in to lookers and got a price for the headlight washer jet covers
and nearly died that will be £189.00 sir
not a chance that is going to happen so the only option is to fill the holes
so it was out with the dremel and cut the brackets out time
next job get some isopon bumper fill and some mesh
and start to pad out the back of the bumper
when that is set turn the bumper over and clean the hole out with the dremel and rub down with 80 grit and fill with bumper fill
when that has set rub down with 80 grit and get the shape wright
then start adding filler to get it nice and flat
blocking is the best way spray black very lightly over the filler
you will see the high and low spots better it is best to get it wright at this stage
it will save alot of work later on when the paint goes on
so just keep adding filler and sanding till you get it spot on
rub down with 80 grit and 120 grit then 400 wet and dry to get it nice and smooth
i also had a few cracks to do
drill the crack out with a dremel and make it bigger
again use bumper fill and mesh as a backing and fill th other side with bumper fill
and add filler and block it out till it is ok
so i am ready now for one more block down of the whole bumper
and the plastic primer and high build will be done and yet more blocking back
to get a nice smooth surface ready for paint
but that is next weeks work
as i have a right mess to clean up.
6:th-Jul-2014, 21:24:16 (This post was last modified: 1:st-Feb-2015, 00:54:02 by tucpal.)
the bumper is now in primer ready to go off for paint
the first step after all the prep i did earlier was to spray the whole bumper with one coat of plastic primer
and then plastic filler was sprayed over and rubbed down with 600 grit and then 800 grit
and going over any bits again with filler spray that i was not happy with
to get a real nice smooth surface for the primer
then a primer coat was done and again wet sanded with 800 wet and dry
then a second coat was done but this time not sanded back just left alone
so the painter can scotch pad it over to get a smooth key for the paint
so it will be a bit of a waiting game now
but hopefully not too long