8:th-Mar-2016, 11:06:17
If I do this update does the download includes the latest maps or not?
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to a nav900 the upgrade nav600 how |
how to upgrade the NAV600 to a NAV900.
8:th-Mar-2016, 11:06:17
If I do this update does the download includes the latest maps or not?
25:th-Apr-2016, 10:05:10
I have done this on my car a while back and since then been helping others to upgrade theirs and also troubleshoot problems they had when doing the upgrade. This upgrade is definitely worth doing. The pop up speed camera alert is a big bonus as well as custom themes
25:th-Apr-2016, 23:22:05
I've done the upgrade from Navi 600 to Navi 900 and everything went well, thanks for this information, it is great!
But now I have to update the maps and therefore to buy a new SD card. What should I buy, a SD for the Navi 600 or for the Navi 900? (25:th-Apr-2016, 23:22:05)Doraemon02 Wrote: I've done the upgrade from Navi 600 to Navi 900 and everything went well, thanks for this information, it is great! You would need to buy the navi 600 version. For reference only installing the navi 900 map card can corrupt the modded system.
26:th-Apr-2016, 01:00:53
Ok, thanks for your help
26:th-Apr-2016, 11:02:14
12:th-May-2016, 21:59:22
Hi all.
Just got a 2013 Astra Techline yesterday! I am interested in flashing my 600 to the 900. Does this still work? Does this disable any functions/updates at all? I have the latest 600 map pack which I assume will work ok? Can I add speed cameras without having to flash/upgrade? Thanks in advance!
13:th-May-2016, 08:23:32
yes all links still work the only function that will change is that when you want to make an outgoing call via bluetooth
you have to press the phone button on the display first and then the steering wheel phone button incoming calls work just the same as they did stering wheel only this really is no big deal at all but please read and follow the how to completely and correctly and follow each step one by one and you will have no problems sd card gets removed at a certain stage of the update so no this will not affect anything at all there speed cams are added after the 3d map update only and must also be done and followed correctly
13:th-May-2016, 11:49:57
@Tucpal my voice command doesn't recognise my voice aha! I must be too Yorkshire for it haha
13:th-May-2016, 14:15:44
you can use the bluetooth for voice commands call add name etc
but the nav 600 will not have voice commands for sat nav 900 option only and the update does not do that have you tagged the names with voice commands in the bluetooth phone directory
13:th-May-2016, 15:13:57
15:th-May-2016, 22:16:52
Did the theme change today, changed the animation file but it hasn't changed the animation on the unit, the downloaded animation had the file and about 8 (I think) normal image files possibly jpegs, did I need to copy them files aswell?
I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
16:th-May-2016, 20:20:59
it was the sports tourer logo you wanted on start up animation yes
open the logo files i sent and look at the last link it should be a USSR flag marked image.14.uli this is the image code you want go to the theme files and delete image.14.uli then copy the USSR flag image code marked image.14.uli. form the logo files and paste it into position were the 14.uli will go in theme files between 13 and 15 head unit has to be shut down for 10mins before start up animation works.
16:th-May-2016, 21:38:04
Are you changing to your own animation images.
30:th-May-2016, 16:58:06
Does this hack just change the navigation maps and theme or does it change the 600 to everything the 900 does including showing album covers for music?
30:th-May-2016, 18:07:02
i would say just 3d maps and you can do a theme change not sure on the album cover
3:rd-Jun-2016, 22:53:15
My friend said it would be a good idea to upgrade to this as my bluetooth did not work and this would fix it. went through the process and it all worked. I am however now facing other issues such as not having all vehicle settings showing on my car. is there anyway I can downgrade back to nav600? Thanks for any response
This upgrade will not enable bluetooth or anything else you don't already have to start with it only activates 3d maps
so whoever told you that did not have a clue what they were talking about it will also not do anything to your vehicle settings so what settings do you think you are missing ??? and what bluetooth problems were you having prior to doing the nav600/900 upgrade.
3:rd-Jun-2016, 23:21:34
(3:rd-Jun-2016, 22:58:55)tucpal Wrote: This upgrade will not enable bluetooth or anything else you don't already have to start with it only activates 3d maps I had no phone menu when I clicked config, I was told I needed this for bluetooth and the car had it because I had the phone buttons on my steering wheel. When I click the vehicle settings option all I have is "chime control"... no comfort options or stuff I had before the upgrade. Its an Insignia Elite Model
3:rd-Jun-2016, 23:24:18
(3:rd-Jun-2016, 22:58:55)tucpal Wrote: This upgrade will not enable bluetooth or anything else you don't already have to start with it only activates 3d maps I had the phone buttons on my wheel but no "phone" menu in the config, I did not realise this meant that it hadnt been activated, I asked a friend who has the same car and he said upgrade to a navi 900 and it should work. So I did. No The only config I get in "vehicle settings" is chime alerts. no comfort settings or anything.
so you don't have bluetooth at all then or were you missing options before the upgrade was done is the module box actually there
did the 3d map option work for you ?? ok what i would do is to flash the USB only again and see if that does anything but as i said this will not do anything to the config settings at all unless you installed it wrong but yes you can flash back to the 600 if you wish i will answer back tomorow also was this with just the nav600/900 files or a theme file ?? use the link from here also http://www.mediafire.com/download/djc5ub...0to900.zip
4:th-Jun-2016, 00:31:39
(3:rd-Jun-2016, 23:48:05)tucpal Wrote: so you don't have bluetooth at all then or were you missing options before the upgrade was done is the module box actually there Thanks for your help. Just the 600 to 900 I done, no extra files. not really bothered about the nav as I have a tom tom I bought just 3 months ago before I thought of buying a car (which has lifetime maps and 3D) I just wanted the bluetooth to work. But im looking at a parrot for that now and just getting this back to normal.
ok so as far as i know download the link i gave you above
the migrate 600/900 files extract and save to your documents click it open and click the dnl till you get to g_eeu10 and g_mpeu10 delete the g_mpeu10 file just leavening g_eeu10 this should bring you back to a standard nav600 but as you have had missing option lists before and after doing this there is no grantee this will bring them back also before you go ahead with this i would like confirmation from @raimon this will work so wait till his response thanks.
4:th-Jun-2016, 18:35:52
(4:th-Jun-2016, 00:31:39)dcarrolluk Wrote:(3:rd-Jun-2016, 23:48:05)tucpal Wrote: so you don't have bluetooth at all then or were you missing options before the upgrade was done is the module box actually there Doing the upgrade does not lose any menu settings. Not all vehicle settings show up until the engine is running. As for the upgrade process did you flash via USB then CD and then back to USB? This is the correct procedure As for your original question yes you can reflash back to 600. I have the correct files to do this. I will provide the links when I find them.
4:th-Jun-2016, 19:29:31
(4:th-Jun-2016, 18:35:52)raimon Wrote:(4:th-Jun-2016, 00:31:39)dcarrolluk Wrote:(3:rd-Jun-2016, 23:48:05)tucpal Wrote: so you don't have bluetooth at all then or were you missing options before the upgrade was done is the module box actually there That may explain not seeing all the settings. Thank you so much for both of your help.
11:th-Jun-2016, 09:55:47
If I simply bought a Navi 900 European maps SD card instead of doing this hack would I get the same results? Because if I did this hack the maps are 2 or three years old so I'd still need to buy the updated maps.
11:th-Jun-2016, 10:36:20
No it wouldn't work that way.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
The maps are on your SD card not the navi the upgrade gives you 3D map display and option for theme change also adding European 900 maps to a nav600 will do nothing apart from add euro maps if you want to update SD card get 2015 2016 nav 600 SD card
I'm going to try this hack later. Just two questions before I do it...the instructions say to use an 8GB usb drive. I only have a spare 4GB drive at the moment so won't that work? Also do I just copy the migrate unzipped dnl file onto the drive or the iso image file too as well as the CD-R?
13:th-Jun-2016, 18:17:55
open file then copy the dnl file
4gb should be ok on the usb just read the instruction very carefully
Okay I've hit a problem. I've got to the part where I removed the CD-R and inserted the maps SD card to update. When I come to the part of the instructions where the maps have updated the unit turns off. I turned it back on, inserted the usb and the install screen shows. I remove the maps SD card as instructed but keep getting an error telling me "Navigation SD Card not inserted".
Help Forget my last post, I've successfully upgraded to 900 now. Thanks. I now want to add the red theme, though, but the link doesn't work. Does anyone have a link to it please?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/i2c4n7zdgeklzj...0.zip?dl=0 gray and red theme. more info on themes can be found here glad you got the nav 3d maps working so this time it is just the just the usb and it will go to 100% follow post 36 in this thread for theme update how to and also more themes can be found in this thread https://www.vxoc.org.uk/forum/Thread-how...-animation let me know if any links don't work and i will get them working on friday any speed cans will need to be put back on after the new theme update and 3d maps will need turning back on in settings and favorites etc. and remember only one thing at a time on the usb stick delete the old one and then add a new one etc. dont forget to add pictures etc.
Thanks tucpal. I've now successfully added a theme and it looks good.
I'm now following your instructions to add the speed cam poi but it says to add the dnl folder to the usb stick but in the poi folder there is only a myPOI folder and a single .poi file in that folder. Never mind I've sorted it now and added the POIs. Thanks for your help. Just need to do a startup/standby logo change now but I'll wait until the weekend. I'm all hacked out now.
14:th-Jun-2016, 17:49:29
very well done there and yes you copy the poi file.
it looks much better doesn't it
19:th-Jun-2016, 08:47:17
Just tried doing this hack and USB 4gb is formatted to fat32 copied the DNL folder onto it but the navi won't read it and start the update.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
19:th-Jun-2016, 15:09:12
Did we find out if we can revert back to basic navi600?
I just thought it would be great to have the info and any files needed to revert back in-case anyone wants to. Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
@raimon knows but i dont have the files but really there is no point going back
@Rusty2009 did you sort it out
19:th-Jun-2016, 19:48:40
(19:th-Jun-2016, 17:29:32)tucpal Wrote: @raimon knows but i dont have the files but really there is no point going back Not yet mate got side tracked lol will have a play tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
21:st-Jun-2016, 14:47:48
30:th-Jun-2016, 22:42:44
Any reason why my Navi has started to randomly power down since inserting a new navi600 map card?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
30:th-Jun-2016, 23:36:23
Not too sure entirely, are you using fw v200. If so worth updating to v208 to see if the problem persist, but put your old card back in when you update.
1:st-Jul-2016, 07:18:59
I'm using whatever fw came in the hack files I've not changed the themes as yet
Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
1:st-Jul-2016, 10:50:33
1:st-Jul-2016, 12:36:46
Ok super thanks mate, would that mean a whole reflash with USB and cd or just USB?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Astra-J 2.0 CDTI S/S
Retrofitted AFL, TPMS, Navi950, BT, DAB, Rear Camera, Infinity sound system, Towbar, Flexfloor & more.
I can do programming and retrofits using genuine GM MDI and Dealer software.
1:st-Jul-2016, 12:52:53
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