how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Printable Version

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how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 27:th-Feb-2014

[Image: vx.o.c.jpeg]

This is a very Simply and Cheep Upgrade
How to Upgrade interior Lights to SMD LED BULBS.

[Image: 1.JPG]

STEP ONE..........
Start with the sun Visors all you need to do is to Remove
the two Plastic pieces to get Access to the Bulbs
Gently Pull from one Side
and swap the Bulbs for the New SMD LED.

[Image: 2.JPG]

[Image: 3.JPG]

Now your Girl Friend will be very Happy
as she now has Super Bright white SMD LED'S to do her Makeup.

STEP TWO............

Remove the Trim from the Console in the Headliner.

Pull off the Trim around the Light Unit.

Then you need to Pull off
the Plastic light Cover.

You can Add your New SMD LED Bulbs
i went for one Red in the Center
and Two white each side
but you can do what you what.


And here is the Results.

STEP THREE........

Is to Remove the Plastic Cover
from the Rear Lights in the Headliner
again this will just Pull off.


And the results..

The SMD LED,S are much Brighter
than the Standard Bulbs
and they look much Better
make sure you Get Canbus Error Free Bulbs
there are Plenty of ebay Listings for these Bulbs now
and Typically you can get them all for under £15.

You are Looking for W5W/501.SMD, LED, Bulbs x 5
and 6615F are the Standard sun Visor Bulbs
you will need x4 SMD LED,S
You can also swap the Glove Box Light to SMD LED
just Remove the Glove Box.
How to Here..
that just need 1 x w5w/501 SMD LED.


you do this at your own risk if you follow the how to correctly
there should be no problems thank you.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Lewis6317 - 1:st-Mar-2014

are mate nice i been looking to see what bulbs i need for inside to make them ice white
found the kit on ebay only £13 for them all

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 1:st-Mar-2014

also lush lighting city are now a member on here
they do all the led,s you will need
if you contact them they can also help
with the best led smd to use.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Arkanggel10 - 6:th-Mar-2014

already swap mine bulbs to leds.

much better

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Cameron UK - 7:th-Mar-2014

Can someone send me a link to the full set I need to upgrade,

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Rusty2009 - 7:th-Mar-2014

Cameron UK Wrote:Can someone send me a link to the full set I need to upgrade,

Its in the bulb thread mate.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Cameron UK - 7:th-Mar-2014

I'm wanting to buy a full set, I've bought some 501 SIDS but don't think they are canbus free

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Cameron UK - 7:th-Mar-2014

I want a full set of canbus error free lights for sun visors, front reading lights, rear all in one set

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 7:th-Mar-2014

here are the bulbs you need

i will get the link for sun visor led,s later.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Cameron UK - 14:th-Mar-2014

Can I just say, you don't need to remove the glove box to change the glove box bulb, I will do a how today or tomorrow when I get my car back p

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Lewis6317 - 14:th-Mar-2014

tucpal, is that link for the for the sun visor

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 17:th-Mar-2014

No mate I will add one for them tomorrow

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how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 19:th-Mar-2014

here you go these are the ones you want.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - oweh - 25:th-Mar-2014

Changed all mine today, got the led's from Lush
Lighting, only the glove box bulb to change now

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 25:th-Mar-2014

cool well done there much better and well worth doing

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Cameron UK - 25:th-Mar-2014

oweh Wrote:Changed all mine today, got the led's from Lush
Lighting, only the glove box bulb to change now

Don't forget the boot, cheap 501 are perfect! I've got them in the front lights, rear lights, give box and boot

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Lewis6317 - 25:th-Mar-2014

Kool :-)still looking to get some the hard ones to get are the sun visor bulbs

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how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - oweh - 25:th-Mar-2014

Get them from Lush Lighting mate

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Lewis6317 - 25:th-Mar-2014

Yeh am waiting for sunvisor bulbs to be instock

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how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - n1ibor - 16:th-Apr-2014

does anybody have a link to the bulbs that are send to outside the uk?
thanks in advance

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 26:th-Jul-2014


I just upgraded the LED bulbs to a much better type
LED PROJECTOR BULBS they can be found here

W5W T10 501

Here are the bulbs there are real good quality bulbs
and i would say there about 3 times as bright as the LED bulbs i had before

Here are the old LED bulbs and after a year they either flicker or half work
so yes they were cheap and were white but the new ones below are much better all round

And here are the new LED,s going in

You can see just how much brighter these LED,S are very happy with them
i will put a few pic,s up tonight in the dark for you all.





very bright and A much better set of LED,S i am very happy.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Rusty2009 - 26:th-Jul-2014

Cool mate look forward to seeing them in the dark.

Sent from my iPhone 5c using Tapatalk.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 26:th-Jul-2014

new LED,S updated.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Rusty2009 - 26:th-Jul-2014

They are much better mate.

Sent from my iPhone 5c using Tapatalk.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Cameron UK - 27:th-Jul-2014

They look really good! Good comparison, thanks

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 22:nd-Feb-2015

I'm about to order the projector LED bulbs for the interior but it says they aren't canbus ones. Will this cause an issue for the interior lights?

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 22:nd-Feb-2015

Not at all the interior lights are not on the canbus

and they really are the best they are pure white and the light out put is excellent.
i have had them in for a year now and still no problems what so ever.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 22:nd-Feb-2015

Cheers.... 3 packs ordered. Lets hope that China mail is on fine form.

Just need to get number plate bulbs now

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 22:nd-Feb-2015

we can help you there also they are on the canbus and load resisters must be added
i have the ones in the thread below plug and play and they are error free and super bright.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 22:nd-Feb-2015

lol, you guys are the pinnacle of knowledge. I have so much to learn!!

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 22:nd-Feb-2015

your welcome

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015


I just upgraded the LED bulbs to a much better type
LED PROJECTOR BULBS they can be found here

W5W T10 501

Here are the bulbs there are real good quality bulbs
and i would say there about 3 times as bright as the LED bulbs i had before

Here are the old LED bulbs and after a year they either flicker or half work
so yes they were cheap and were white but the new ones below are much better all round

And here are the new LED,s going in

You can see just how much brighter these LED,S are very happy with them
i will put a few pic,s up tonight in the dark for you all.





very bright and A much better set of LED,S i am very happy.

Hey mate! want to upgrade to these myself and only need some for the front roof lights and the rear roof lights, would i just need to order 6 of the bulbs which you linked too? As in are they all the same shape and size or are there different sized/shape ones for the front and back?


how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

I ordered three packs to do all the interior.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - Rusty2009 - 8:th-Mar-2015

All the same size mate

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how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

awesome! will pick some up now

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

bhalay207 Wrote:I ordered three packs to do all the interior.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

Cheers! Just done the same, how long did they take to come?

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

No more than a week I think. Either way I was impressed as they were coming from China.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Result then! can't wait to get mine swapped out as the stock ones suck! Ha

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Let me know what they're like. Chances are you'll have yours fitted before I even collect my car lol.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Haha I will do mate! will fit them as soon as they arrive! Didn't realise you didn't have an Astra yet?! What's the hold up with it?

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Well i technically do have an Astra. Its all paid for and what not but it had a cherished trransfer done by the previous owner,. The DVLA have sent out 2 log books which have got lost in the post meaning the dealer cant tax it which means i cant collect it! Just waiting on a V62 form now... Its been a nightmare to be honest. Clearly i'm committed to my J otherwise id have sought another one by now

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Awwww damn dude! Not having a lot of luck are you! :( which model did you go for then and have you owned an Astra before?

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

No i'm not. I ordered it on the 10th of February so its dragged on like a dog with no back legs.

I went for a SRI with a 2.0CDTI engine. Its had a few tweaks by the previous owner which make it more appealing. I used to have a coupe which i loved but i had to get rid of it when we were having my eldest.

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Oooo good choice! Kinda wish I'd have gotten a second hand higher model rather than a 1.7 brand new energy but oh well..more mods and retro fits for me to do hehe

What's been done to your SRI then?

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Nice to have a brand new car though, plus you get to put your mark on it.

It's got tints, 19" anthracite wheels, powerfold mirrors, alloy pedals and door pins. Not sure if it's got anything else as I've not been able to have a good rummage around.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Got a few nice mods there then! You got a photo of your new car then? Be good to see it

Also did you think the door pins looked good? I'm in two minds as to whether or not I want to get you've already got a list of things you want to do to it hehe

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Just a quick one from the dealer when i went to view it.


The pins look alright to be fair break up the black on black look

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - sheppy1 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Those alloys look great!!! Really like that mate . Looks like it has tinted repeaters too but I could be wrong.

May have to invest in some metal door pins then, they're on my list anyaay ha

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - bhalay207 - 8:th-Mar-2015

Ahhh yes, forgot those. It has lol. Sounds like a plan!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk

how to upgrade interior lights to SMD LED - tucpal - 8:th-Mar-2015

the alloy door pins do look really good much better than the black plastic ones