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So I have a few nice signs on my door.

One is No cold callers
the other is informing people I don't want junk mail (this incl takeaway menus & charity bags)
the last is a Please close the gate sign.

I keep having cold callers knock on the door, of course I ask them politely if the can read and to read the notice in which they have failed to read and would they kindly leave and close the gate behind them, if they carry on they get told to F***OFF.

I also keep having takeaway menus charity bags and junk mail though the door, On the odd chance I catch them I go out and give it back (the best response was from an estate agent after I told him it clearly states NO JUNK MAIL) he said it's not junk, to Which I said it is to me.

I also keep finding my gate left open. When I used to do my morning and evening paper rounds I would close a gate even if it was open when I walked though it, the only time I wouldn't close a gate was if it was double gates that had been clearly left open.

What is wrong with these people?

Why don't they get it if I wanted something I would go to them, I have the takeaway's that I use I also don't want to to know if you've sold another house in the road and that you are looking for houses to put on your books and at the moment my landlord doesn't either.

Hate to stereotype but most of the people who deliver junk mail, you'll find English isn't their first language OR a language they know at all so this doe not surprise me!
Most of them understand English fine, they just like to say "Sorry me no understand".
Haha, the best are the cold callers to my house phone, I can't explain on here what I say to them as it will just be a loads of stars LOL.
Lol I got a truecall it's great get no annoying calls.
Not cheap but worth it.
Last time I had a door to door sales person I kept them at the door for ages (Whilst I looked for my bank card/details) after around 10 minutes went back out told them I couldn't find them as we'd just moved in. Wrong I know as they are trying to do the job they are paid for but the we do have a sign that says no door to door sales people.

As for cold callers I just ask them if I get a free pizza tend and if not why not
Rusty2009 Wrote:Lol I got a truecall it's great get no annoying calls.
Not cheap but worth it.
I did the cheaper option, I unplugged my home phone... Mobile only baby