Full Version: "Electronic Stability Control System" & flashing "Malfunction indicator light"
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When driving last night i got the "electronic stability control & traction system" symbol when is staying constant.

Today it appeared again AND a flashing "malfunction indicator light" also appeared. The cars power was restricted.

Its a 2012 1.4 petrol. The car is misfiring a small bit.

Can anyone advise the problem?
It could be anything it's best getting it plugged in and fault codes read then go from there.
(27:th-Mar-2019, 08:29:12)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]It could be anything it's best getting it plugged in and fault codes read then go from there.

Gone in today. I have been advised it is possibly the coil pack therefore i would require:

-new coil pack and related plug(spark)

Anyone take a stab at roughly what they would think it will cost me for parts & labour?

Additionally could this have been prevented in any way OR is it just a "wear and tear" part?
I'm confused how you've been advised possibly coil pack for stability & traction control.

Coil packs are a very common thing to fail tho tbh.
(29:th-Mar-2019, 07:54:56)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm confused how you've been advised possibly coil pack for stability & traction control.

Coil packs are a very common thing to fail tho tbh.

New coil pack & four new spark plugs & labour  =€350
I would have said abs sensor or the pulse ring not coil pack. If it were me I would have tried that first but as rusty said plug in on proper diagnosis tool for fault codes.