Full Version: Tyre Pressure Warning Niggle
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Im after some guidance. 

Front OS got a flat this morning.  When I replaced the wheel  and started her up to come home the dash pressure warning display is lit, but the pressure display screen is showing the front NS flat not the OS.  The thing is up on the jack so theres no way you can misread it....

Anyone know how this thing works?   

15 plate 2.0 CDTI
(21:st-Mar-2019, 13:29:47)phlyer Wrote: [ -> ]Im after some guidance. 

Front OS got a flat this morning.  When I replaced the wheel  and started her up to come home the dash pressure warning display is lit, but the pressure display screen is showing the front NS flat not the OS.  The thing is up on the jack so theres no way you can misread it....

Anyone know how this thing works?   

15 plate 2.0 CDTI

Hi something to do with resting the tpms system page 230 in the owners manual don't understand it myself have been told you can do it without the tool just be resting the disply?
Do you mean resetting rather than resting.
There is 2 systems one being manual and one being auto learn.

Pre 2014 is auto after 2014 is manual so the tool is needed.

I'm guessing the wheels were not swapped around?
(22:nd-Mar-2019, 11:43:56)Big Dave2 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you mean resetting rather than resting.

Whoops yes resetting