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Having a tidy of the garage as it needs it as I need the work bench again now it's getting summer time.

But pushed the car back so the wife could tidy her garden cupboard, and it sounds like the brakes are still on on the rear, I double checked and the hand brake is fully off, also I notice I can see where the brake has been on as it there is a clear mark left on the brake disc.
Was the car wet when you put it away? I get this sometimes with mine if I was the car and don't drive it till the following day the brakes feel like they take a second longer to release. As I usually have to get out the car afterwards to shut the gates you can see an outline of the pad.
No mate the car was bone dry when I put it away, I know what you mean when it's been wet though I have a car repair shop right round the conner and they look every-time as it sounds more like metal or metal.
How thick are the pads on the rear? Is it possible the wear indicator has been knocked and bent so it's coming in contact with the disc's sooner than it should?
plenty of meat on them.
is there a chance that a stone has got stuck between the calliper and disc? I know on my old GTE I had one that managed to get stuck between the guard and the disc.
I'll have a look later.
I had the pads off at the today and no noise at all put the pads back and the noise was back I removed the pads and again and gave the disc a good spray with some disc cleaner put the pads back in and the noise is still there, the pads are fine.
That is a weird one.

Could it be worth sanding the surface of the pad a little. Not sure how true or if it's even required but I was always advised to roughen the surface of the pads with some sandpaper to make sure they haven't glazed up before fitting them.
I'll give it try a tomorrow.
I had a sound like that last March, while you were driving along the noise would start. It was one of those noises that you thought everyone would be looking at you as you passed by, deafning it was. Put the car in and they removed all the rear pads and greased up all that needed it, sound gone! There was and still is pleanty of meat on the pads. Thought that they wern't sliding on the pins and not being flat to the disks may have been the problem. But I have never had it since, I shelled out £70 for that. Weather at the time was to bad for me to be mucking around outside on the drive, but it was worth it in the end as it seems to have cured it.
Spoke with my mechanic today he said to take it for a run down the daul carriage way and brake all the way all way down from 70mph, which I've done and the problem is gone.