Full Version: 2011 Insignia Excusiv 2 channel converter speaker wires
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hi guys. im very new to this.
ive installed my fli 12" sub (power cable, remote and ground) but im having some trouble with the 2 channel output conveter going into the head unit. any diagrams or advice would be an absolute lifesaver!!

thanks in advance,
@zzattack will be the best person here to help you he's done loads with amps etc on his Insignia.
Got any specs on the sub (type/model)? If it supports high-level inputs you can grab those in the b-pillar which would be the fastest route. You could also choose to install the high-to-low converter in there, as there's plenty of space.
For a sub you really don't need stereo channels but if you want both you could tap into the signals behind the headunit which is a bit more work but functionally equivalent.