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What is your opinion regarding Vauxhall and Opel new owner?
?? actually not so excited
It's tough one.

Knowing at least 1 person who works at the port I'm concerned for them.

On the other side it could be a good move they might stop basing all new models of the Adam & you never know they my relax this VCI BS.

All we can do is sit on the fence and wait to see what happens.
Not sure it will be a good thing for the British car industry worker , GM have been losing money for years on Vauxhall & Opel , too many model variations trying to compete in a very tough environment. Would like to think that maybe they will go to a "one car" type platform (common engine, drive train , chassis etc) and maybe standardise on model variations etc ....who knows ?
As GM were losing so much money on the european side I would think there is a better chance of survival now someone else has taken over. If the sale hadn't gone through I think that sooner rather than later cut backs would have happened anyway and it would have been throughout europe. The current Peugeot fleet has a better reputation than Vauxhall currently and their cars are definitely more reliable and better put together than they were 10 years ago. There should be more cautious optimism rather than doom and gloom, and hopefully as Russell stated, maybe a relaxation on VCI.