Full Version: Faulty Boot Seams?
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Good Morning (Just!)

I recall reading somewhere that early Astra's have a problem with the boot seams failing but I can't locate it. 

Reason for asking is my Astra has water in the footwell which was partly due to the high level brake light, which is now changed. 
However I am still getting water in the boot after rain and it appears to be coming out the seam on the boot floor at the back. I suspect this as when I wiped the water away I could see a drop of water re-emerging through the seam. 

So I've got myself some potential options;

1. I'm trying a penetrating leak and crack finder which should cure it.

2. Get some seam sealer and clean the outside behind the bumper and cover the affected areas.

3. As I have only had the car 9 days I send it back to the dealership for them to sort?

Car is 2011 2.0l CDTi SE


Yes there was a seem issue on early models.

If you've only had it 9 days I would get the dealership to fix it.
Just to close this out, I smeared some silicon sealant over the seem and its been fine so far.
