Full Version: Radom hold up on a day out.
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So the wife's friend has come back to uk from Dubi so we are off to see them in Swindon.

On the way (On the A31) we got held up by rubberneckers getting a good look at the coach.


So I'm sure others get fed up with rubberneckers and could get some good pics of what it was all over.

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ive been in the position of people staring at you, i had a serious car accident and whilst i was being helped by the paramedics people took my photo and posted pictures of me on facebook, i was in a bad way and had life changing brain injuries,

i took the time to send every last one my thoughts on there behavior, every single one said sorry but im still angry with them
I wouldn't post pictures of anybody most major accidents where someone is trapped badly hurt etc now seem to have screens put around them which is a great thing.

And I fully understand what you are saying.

Hopefully you don't find my picture inappropriate?

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sorry i wasnt getting at you, i was just mentioning what happened to me
The latest thing is the bobbys using their onboard cameras to film passing traffic, then when they get back to the station review and send every driver who took a photo a ticket!

So you were rubber necking too?
(11:th-Jun-2016, 21:08:50)tommyboy1289 Wrote: [ -> ]The latest thing is the bobbys using their onboard cameras to film passing traffic, then when they get back to the station review and send every driver who took a photo a ticket!


Cheeky but then the driver shouldn't be using their phone driving.

(11:th-Jun-2016, 22:12:47)Jj0063 Wrote: [ -> ]So you were rubber necking too?

No the cars in front were going slow and as a passenger I was able to take a photo. As a passenger I can look as it doesn't slow traffic down.
Just a fact of life now wherever there is an accident etc
someone somewhere will be using there mobile to say they seen it