Full Version: Whats eveyones hobby other than cars?
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I do a bit of mtb'ing, nowhere near as much as I used but still like a blast round the woods
My main hobby/project is streetfightering an old 1983 suzuki gsx750es, major project really as I'm fitting all modern day running gear and electrics
(8:th-Jun-2016, 23:59:20)mrtc Wrote: [ -> ]my new hobby will have to be dieting, im a short arse but now weigh over 200 pounds, got 70 to lose lol

Hehe.. yes, its a struggle. Thought I was at 210 pound but scale show 225. "Ideal" for me would be your weight.
I like wakeboarding, although I'm not particularly good at it. Apart from that its mainly exercising and the gym and playing football. I tend to put a bit of weight on in the winter because i've got crap genetics ( i.e I was born a greedy ***** ) so then have to cut the weight down again for the summer lol
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