Full Version: What did you do this Sunday!
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Just having a browse through the forum and the facebook pages then now and unwinding. 

I had a wee belter of a day took the misses and the kids up to Rowadennen today to get away for a few hours. Always a good drive there and back and a good view.

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Gorgeous! We are holidaying in Scotland in August!

I did a kids bowling party this morning and then went for lunch with my best mate and respective others a d kiddiwinks!

This afternoon I've been cleaning, washing and ironing

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i hit a bridge with my boat
Wow, some great scenic pictures, the Astra looks pretty good too

Havent touched the Astra this weekend, in fact I doubt it will move until Good Friday now !
WOW! Looks stunning that mate!! Smile Very nice shots of the scenery and car there!

I had a pretty chilled weekend TBH...also did my first proper detail of the car too today:

[Image: OE7dya5.jpg]

[Image: In6v1gq.jpg]
worked all day doing overtime no fun here today haha
(20:th-Mar-2016, 20:45:11)mrtc Wrote: [ -> ]i hit a bridge with my boat

ouch hope the damage is repairable. was it a top gear special under a bridge?
it was a brick canal bridge, ive bent guide bars at the front of the boat, they dont make them anymore so erm im abit in the s5hit lol