Overtime my car is on auto stop and then i press the clutch to get going agin this message always comes up. EVERY single time this happens without fail. the car is only 3 weeks old so its a bit weird... anyone had this before?
I have it If I unplug the button or control module as it's only 3 weeks old take it back and get them to fix it.
(10:th-Jan-2016, 10:54:56)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]I have it If I unplug the button or control module as it's only 3 weeks old take it back and get them to fix it.
Yea its in tuesday mate as I got a red line going down my satnav screen. Not keen on having them take the car apart though if I'm honest lol... Usually car goes in for 1 problem comes out with another coz they ballsed something up lol.
So apparently my car was due an update today and this cleared the park assist. But weird that they didn't look into it and just updated it to clear it?
That's the monkeys at the dealership for you.
That's there policy if your on older software. Happened on my VXR on the tpms one sensor kept failing they did an update first then changed the sensor in the end moved the rf module behind the dash and fault cured.
They've got a set procedure to go through before changing parts.
It does make sense. There's no point hemeraging money on parts if it's not needed
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(13:th-Jan-2016, 09:29:03)cornishtaz Wrote: [ -> ]That's there policy if your on older software. Happened on my VXR on the tpms one sensor kept failing they did an update first then changed the sensor in the end moved the rf module behind the dash and fault cured.
They've got a set procedure to go through before changing parts.
They do have a procedure but they told to only update the software if directed to by a TSB.
Yet on the other hand when you do a SPS configuring you get told to make sure the module has up to date software.
But they should of gone through all diagnostics before updating the software.
It didn't even clear it as the same problem is back today lol. Its in wednesday anyway for a new navi 950 unit so ill tell them AGAIN then lol.