Full Version: Those golden flash back moments....
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So yesterday I thought I'd be productive on my days off and clean out a cupboard that was long overdue. Anyway, I came across my old iPod mini.... Yes iPod mini.... From back in the early 2000's along with the original charger and cable.

So being the nostalgic person I am I decided to give it a charge and put it in the car and give the old classics a good blast.

This morning on the way back from Sainsburys this little gem came on and Oh did the volume get cranked... I even had a little boogie

[Image: 5e539e002f1b7d16c4da0aa585c8ae5e.jpg]

What little pearls have you guys come across that's taken you 'back in the day'?

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I've had to change my radio station as the my local TBH was getting utter rubbish and you could hear the same song 5 times in a couple of hours plus they where leaving DAB.

So I found Smooth Dorset that was ok (Had that Kate from GMTV) but then I switched over to Gold and for some reason the old music has been played abit loud, the kids love it too which stops them moaning.
We've got smooth up here too. They play a few classics to be fair. If ever you want to listen to a good radio station whilst on a pc, give gem106 a try... That's pretty good.

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