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[Image: 9nd4_zpsea5fce57.jpg]

I have had this warning appear sporadically but then next time I get in its gone... its due a service soon so will get them to check it out but anyone else had this?

I have the premium lighting pack btw
I'll have a look on TIS over the weekend.
There is not a lot of info on this really you want a DTC code,

A search of the internet and it could be anything from the lamp unit itself right down to a faulty levelling sensor.

When it comes up does your lights still work?

If you can get a DTC (dealer or someone else with the tool) you're too far from me, I would be able to tell you more.

If it is a rear sensor fear not I have a spare here for sale, although the do need configuring.
Thanks, the headlights work but not the intelligent bit where they light up going around corners etc

As suspected I went out again last night & problem had gone!

I will mention it when it goes in for service.