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as the title suggests living on the cost i suffer from seagull poop problems 
any suggestions what is the best product or cheap alternatives  
i have considered a gun but that wont go down to well with everyone in the street
Don't think there is much you can do mate other than clean it off as quickly as possible it's bloody annoying when you've spent hours cleaning the car and as soon as your done one flys over and poops on it.
I always have a bottle of QD or you could just put some soapy water in a bottle & keep it in the boot along with a plush cloth. As said the quicker you can remove it the better. Less damage will be caused if the car has some good wax/sealant/coating on it.
thanks its the hard stuff that is bugging me
i must be in a fly bye poop zone
or the birds are trying to tell me something ha ha