Nice tutorial mate!

gonna try and tackle this tomorrow I think if the weather is still nice! With the first bit though when you say to feel at the top of the trim and push something in, what are you referring too and why does this need to be done?
well done and well worth doing
here is my extra boot light
![[Image: boot2001_zpse27b26a8.jpg]](
Can't wait to get mine in! Gonna use some of these extra bright bulbs I have too

Where the light is pop it unplug and run your hand along the length you will notice there is a cutout in the plastic behind the trim for the light, then it should make sense.
My very first picture was taken as if you were laying down look up.
Hmmmm struggling to understand where that is or why I'd need to do it but wills see tomorrow when I tackle it

thanks dude
definitely going to try this, thanks for tutorial mate
Thanks for this tutorial again
@rusty2009 just fitted the extra boot light as per your instructions and it works a charm

photos are rubbish because it's very sunny (for a change) but here they are:
Any idea where this foam bit is supposed to go under the boot latch though? Looks a bit out of place now...or does it not matter?
![[Image: J3XLZ3A.jpg]](
Cool did it make sense what I was saying now you've done it?
Ha yeah it did, there's one part where there isn't plastic blocking it isn't there...anywhere else and there wouldn't have been room behind the trim for the light and wiring to go would there

Anyone got any idea where I can get the bulb holder itself?
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Lookers will be your best bet it wont be that much
Got a link? It's showing me a dealership search engine through Google
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Oh, I'll have to pop into my local dealership and request it then. I'm also after the LEDs for the doors
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Think the part numbers are in the how to for door lights somewhere
Yeah I've got them, cheers though
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Is 21a wire good to use?
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Yeah be fine, the stuff I have is just the bog standard speaker wire from maplins
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So I've bought a rear boot light but it's not got any wires at all, I know it's a daft question but can someone let me know how to wire it up so I can attach wires to the 2 metal pins, thanks
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Not a daft question mate, I wouldn't have a clue lol! Pop out the boot light in car and have a look, see if it's a quick and easy fix.
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I soldered and covered with heat shrink.
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I was thinking of using one of the pins from the connectors I've bought and modifying it to clamp onto the pins and the wire at either end
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I've done this, reckon it'll hold?
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Should be fine mate just put some heat shrink around them
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Yeah I did that as soon as I posted the pics aha
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looks very good you will have no problems with that
All done
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Nice dude! Glad it worked out for you [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
well done looks very good
Looking good
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just doing this today to the sig but run out off daylight ha ha
Haha hate these winter hours
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(31:st-Oct-2015, 18:58:16)tucpal Wrote: [ -> ]just doing this today to the sig but run out off daylight ha ha
use a tourch
ha ha i just did all done
not the best pics but never the best pics at night
but they really do look better with 2
the insignia had a hole already there and the old astra j light fitted like a glove
![[Image: DSC03047_zpsn3naazkt.jpg]](
Very nice mate, something else I need to get done!
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I originally wanted an insignia but my girlfriend told me I was too young for it and that I'd look old before my time if I had one haha
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It's practically a big J anyway
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They share many parts really but having had a j for over three years it was Time to move on to something different I've already started a few things on it already I will put a few updates up this week about it I am sure we will see my old j back on here at some point ha ha [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
Can't believe you sold it with the headlights you modified, I'd have taken them off of your hands :(
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(1:st-Nov-2015, 12:05:50)Nemo Wrote: [ -> ]Can't believe you sold it with the headlights you modified, I'd have taken them off of your hands :(
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The headlights are now on Lewis's car I had to help fit them, not bad they are really doing the rounds as they came off my car when I got the AFL all working.
Haha I'd really like to convert my own but i don't trust myself to dismantle the units and I don't want to fork out £300 for some new ones
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Whenever I have the cash is try getting a set from breakers as cheap as possible and convert them..
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i sold and took off as much as i could yer lewis owns the headlights now
Could someone recommend the best bulb for the boot as i am adding an extra light but wasnt sure which white leds would be the best for this. Thanks
Any led ones off eBay are fine but they aint bright really hence why you're better off going down the route in this tutorial.
Any reason you want to add an extra one with a standard bulb and not the led blocks mentioned in my tutorial?
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is a citroen boot light any good for this
should be as long as it has positive and negative and you can connect it up
Any reason you wouldn't just wanna use the Reg plate bulb strips that I've used
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