Full Version: Drl Astra 13cdti 2010
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Hi hope I've posted in right place? I have astra j 2010 my car only as indicators in my lamps and I have seen driving lights or fog lamps in some I want to no if I can sort something similar Help gratefully accepted Gazzer
You can retrofit the fogs if you want, also there is some aftermarket fog lamps that have a DRL and indicator in the bottom.

will get a link later.
Thanks for info Hope I don't come across as a total "l @@@ I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box and I may ask questions some no the answers to I've always had fords mainly st so some of the things seem to go over my head Any way I want if I can change my indicators for some type of indicator driving light that isn't guna mean endless questions So what would you recommend and point me in the right direction Thanks