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Am I the only one who's fed up with Xmas already?

All over the tv radio social media etc.

People putting Xmas decs and lights up already!

Yes I hate Xmas it's the biggest rip off going!

Sent from my iPhone 5c using Tapatalk.
i have not even considered it yet Lol
I love crimbo... cannot get enough of it
I hate it to one big rip off
The wife won't let me ban it from the house till the kids have moved out only another 11 years till the youngest is 18, and if they still live at home it'll be banned Lol
I used to enjoy Christmas and get in to the spirit but it's not been the same for the last couple of years. There is a house near where Anna's sister lives and they have had decorations and lights up since the start of November :(

I had to set up a grotto and the auditorium the other week at work but that was for a charity event