neilll - Replies:
15 - Views: 11906
VXR Seats (availability)
Close to buying a GTC Ltd Edition and my only gripe so far are the seats.
Do GTC VXR seats come up for sale very often or are they super rare please?
I'm used to a pukka leather interior and what's in the GTC look a bid dodgy to me (although I've only see photo's..)
Kris - Replies:
7 - Views: 5999
vxr interior into GTC
I know its just a straight swap from what Ive read?? but im sure someone on here told me you lose the folding of the seats. you know to like let people in the back? does that happen or not? if it does is there a way round it. Ive got some seats just wanna make absolutely sure they are gonna work and be ok as I have kids and need my seats to fold lol.
mrtc - Replies:
15 - Views: 12531
Vxr steering wheel cheap
sheppy1 - Replies:
1 - Views: 6121
Astra VXR Steering Wheel
Not sure if this is a bargain or not as I bought mine new for about 100 quid more than this but they don't seem to come up often so thought I'd post it on here in case anyone was after one
Look at this on eBay
Seems to have a slight crack on one of the buttons but no problem as you can just swap your own over.
Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
I'm a member over at VXROnline and heard about this forum so thought I'd plague you with all my questions too ..
I had an Astra VXR H a few years ago with a few cars in between but ended back up with a rather tasty white Astra VXR GTC with full leather and blue pinstripe stitching :-) Only had it a few weeks and of course had a few problems, but they're on the 'road' to getting sorted out :-)
For the mean time, here's a picture of her :-)
White GTC VXR Olly-Midd
VXR Interior
Astra GTC VXR Button
Just now got in my car to go to my dads to pick up some post and I pressed the VXR button to no avail!
The dials have not turned red and the throttle/suspension has not changed? It also seems the dials didn't quite look normal upon restarting. The battery is at 14.3v currently..
GTC VXR Half Leather Interior
Fitting VXR seats