Starie - Replies:
113 - Views: 107105
Astra 2.0cdti dpf regen info?
Hello all,
I've owned my 64 plate 2.0cdti elite auto for around a year now. So I'm getting quite used to the dpf regeneration function.
My driving style usually consists of longer journeys around 60% of the time. Although the other time is spent driving around town. Never usually do less than a 7 mile journey, even around town. My dpf seems to regenerate around every 1-2 weeks. Although It's not done on an intelligent basis. I.e I have been on a long journey. Stopped the car for half an hour.
DPF Regen question
Hello, everyone. I know there are a lot of threads out here about this so excuse me for adding one more
Last night I was driving home from night shift and I got the Service vehicle soon msg on the screen(Astra J sports tourer 2011 2.0CDTI) Didnt pay attention as it was late and was tired. Today I plug it my laptop and saw the P2458-57 error. DPF regen uncompleted or something like that. No lights on the dash. I assumed that taking it out for ride will regen it, but when I jumped on the highwa
Dpf regen led light
Anybody able to wire Me in a dpf warning led?
Dpf regen led light
Hello is anyone available to wire me up a dpf regen led... Willing to travel a bit I'm based in Leicester