Drive belt or faulty tensioner?
Hi all
Sorry not sure if I have posted this in the wrong section. I've got a real problem with my engine as you can hear in the video attached below.
Now I'm not sure if this could be a bad pulley, bad drive belt or even faulty AC Compressor. As I've learnt the noise stops when I turn my AC off.
Any opinion highly appreciated.
Glowplugs with pressure sensor or not
I have a Astra J 1.3 CDTI with engine code: A13DTE
I need to change my glow plugs. How do I find out if my car uses those expensive glow plugs with sensors or not?
Kind regards
Please advise - Z16LET engine (1.6 turbo, 132 kW) - is it a direct or indirect port?
Hello guys,
searching a lot I was not able to find if the Z16LET - 1.6 turbo, 132 kW petrol engine is a direct or an indirect port engine. I suppose that this 180 HP engine that was used in the 2nd gen of Astras H an then in Astras J is an indirect port petrol engine. And I suppose the 200 HP 1.6 turbo petrol engine that came later is already a direct port engine. Can anyone please confirm or specify this? Thank you.
Astra A17DTF - Timing Belt or Chain?
Hey guys, I have a 62 plate. 1.7 GTC Diesel A17DTF.
Simply does anyone know if it is chain or belt driven, saw the bolts to remove and could not be bothered to do that to check lol.
https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/2021061...54318d.jpg ]
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Battery replacement - AGM or regular
My battery is showing signs of needing a change as it is original Vauxhall AGM on my 62plate 1.7 Astra J GTC
My question is the replacement AGM batteries are quite expensive , can I go to regular flooded or will that cause me issues?
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https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/2021062...b63305.jpg ]
steveh - Replies:
1 - Views: 5109
astra drl fuse or relays??
I'm completely stuck here with my DRLs.
My DRLs do not work nor do my side lights, so this is making my main dipped beam come on, i can not seem to find the fuse/fuses for these lights only a pair of relays which i thought DRLs did not need but hey oh.
so what is my next move,,, where should i be looking now? i'm not that great with electrics on a car but i would have thought this might have been an easyish fix.
i have nothing on the dash telling me of an error or light/lights not working
Dvaltd - Replies:
2 - Views: 2385
Flywheel or release bearing
Just bought a 1.7 cdti with 125000 and noticed that when on idle it’s noisy and car vibrates but when i press clutch it stops also gear lever is jumping when in 1,3,5,6 gear but 2,4 are fine also wine in all gears so rebuild/new gearbox,im going to change myself just don’t know if to buy a new clutch/flywheel as the clutch feels perfect just under half pulling away [Image:
https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/2021081...2c91fc.jpg ]