My list of cars over the years
I have shown my Mk6 1.4 Sri Turbo in pictures in another thread but here is the list of cars I have had. Sorry no pics at the moment might find a few when I have time.
My car list from when I was about 21.
No.1 Ford Escort 100E side valve 3 Gears. Bought as a, none runner, it needed to be towed home. Took engine out and sorted various valve problems. Then had the chassis welded because of rust. Cost of car £5
No.2 This was a ford 100E van. Engine blew up on 2nd day Got my £10 back
Some pictures of my old cars
Anyone got any pics of these installed??
HOW TO: De-Badge Rear and side of astra J
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/...5fce57.jpg ]
Here is a how to with full instructions on how to de-badge your Astra, not for everyone but i prefer it
Firstly, sorry about the state of my car, its very dirty, I KNOW
You will need:
Nylon thread or fishing wire (nylon string off an old kite works the best)
Tar remover
Credit/debit card
Color coded polish (not the people)
How To - Change colour of gear gator stitching
http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w301/...5fce57.jpg ]
I thought i would show you howto change the color of the stitching
I used a bright red pen, when its got a shadow on it, it looks maroon, when the sun is shining it looks bright red.
Colors that would work great:
Light blue.
Bright green.
You will need:
Red Sharpie.
All you need to do is to use the sharpie as a brush rather than a pen and paint each individual s
Couple of things on gumtree (not mine)
THis is quite cheep if you want to try something risky and not risk your good :
vauxhall astra j 2011 to 2013 silver dashboard kit | West Derby | Gumtree
This would be good if you wanna join 'Rusty's caravan club':
[url=http://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/vauxhall-astra-j-2010-to-present-new-shape-towsure-towbar-with-single-electrics/1054495094]Vauxhall As
Price of pads
Hey guys, anyone know off top of their head price of front pads for 12plate 1.7sri?
Having same noise as I did on my vectra - full steering lock reversing then brake and hear a loud noise like metal bending effect so think its time to change pads.
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JohnL - Replies:
18 - Views: 21349
Scale drawing or vector drawing of the 20inch VXR wheel.
We've just got a vinyl cutter in work and fancy sticking some vinyl on the wheel (Mainly just to mess around) but might look in to getting some decent vinyl and might be able knock together other stuff for members.
Dicko - Replies:
2 - Views: 4873
Any one going to Cholmondeley Pageant of Power
The many vehicles of Cyprus
Been in paphos in Cyprus the last 5 days and have rented all sorts so I thought I'd share
1000cc Chevrolet car (manual LOL)
600cc buggy (auto)
650cc Yamaha xt crosser (manual)
300cc quad (semi auto)
160cc speed boat (auto)
Pictures to come when I get home tomorrow