Dear All,
I have a couple of very recent issues with my 63 plate GTC 1.4 t and wonder if anyone can give me some advice.
One relates to the ABS warning light and traction control light illuminating on the dashboard together with an ESP service warning message on the trip computer. I think this might be a sensor issue somewhere.
The vehicle is running ok (ie no misfires, slightly slow pulling away like in a very slight limp mode when it gets to 2000 revs).
Is this an easy fix or somet
Hi Guys
My Vauxhall Astra J 1.7cdti, Hatchback, 5 Door, 2011 61Reg.
My Diesel Fuel Gauge is was showing few days a Low in fuel and then after a bit showing half tank and then again low fuel.
However on the same day in the evening i just filled in £20 worth of fuel just to be on the safe side, but since then i have driven 1.5 miles, but not noticed the error of the low fuel.
What could it be is it the Pump, Float Valve or the Sender Unit ?
Do you have to take the seat out to access t