sam2020 - Replies:
3 - Views: 4853
refuel sign comes up while the tank still more than halfway
hi all
i bought a vauxhall Astra 2013 its cat D recorded (just one door was damaged and has been replaced ) but now i have problem with the fuel warning it comes up and when i go the the patrol station to fill it up i find the tank still halfway full
does anyone have this problem before or any idea how to sort it out?
also i would like to know if the car still under warranty or the damage has a voided it? because im thinking to take it back to vauxhall ( i have proof of the previous door dama
mrtc - Replies:
20 - Views: 13604
still not on road but bought some amazing
Do I still have an issue??
So had the car back for a couple of weeks now since getting new glow plugs, exhaust manifold and turbo fitted due to DPF and turbo under pressure faults.
While the car had these issues, it was performing a passive regen every 50 miles or so. Since its repair, the passive regens are consistently every 100 - 110 miles. Even if i stop the car during a regen and it fails, it wont carry out the next one for another 100 miles. this is regardless of engine temp/fuel level, which I'm sure I read somewh
tank replacement and still refill tank error
hey guys,
i changed coolant tank because mine leaked. everything was fine i replaced it and refill.
the level is to max. but i still have an error message on dashboard "level low please refill" i don't understand what is the problem..