Spoiler for 5 door
Where can I get a genuine astra spoiler that adds quite a bit of definition to the rear of the car? Links plz
Astra 5 door spoiler
Wanting a spoiler for my astra j, want a genuine vx one.
mg3091 - Replies:
0 - Views: 9607
Astra J VXR Spoiler
Spoiler, front and rear splitter
So I got these sprayed by a mate for £50! Thought that was quite cheap, how much should I be looking to pay to get them fitted?? Tucpal, fancy it???? Lol
tucpal - Replies:
4 - Views: 5066
cheep spoiler,s
tucpal - Replies:
0 - Views: 4035
front spoiler
wanted front lower spoiler 5 door preface lift
if you come across any give me a shout
must be a genuine lower spoiler and no fiberglass copy's
tucpal - Replies:
51 - Views: 28490
Front lower spoiler
can i have some info on the front lower spoiler thanks
and some better pics i like it
Spoiler extension vx line?
Does anyone know if there is a roof spoiler extension for the vx line? Ive seen the steinmetz one for the standard spoiler but dont think it fits on the vx line.
Maxton Design Boot Spoiler
Hi All
Spoiler fitted and to be honest when it Arrived I wasn't impressed for the money. Had to flat the underside and spray (gloss Black) and Lacquer and still nearly binned it .But to be honest glad I kept going and finally fitted it this morning and to be honest really pleased with it ,it really transforms the rear of the car .
Wanted VXR Biplane Spoiler
Hi All,
anyone have a Biplane spoiler for sale or know anyone who does?