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Which do you prefer, 5 door or GTC
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Is it me or are these too cheap?
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To buy or not to buy?
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JohnL - Replies:
18 - Views: 21022
Scale drawing or vector drawing of the 20inch VXR wheel.
We've just got a vinyl cutter in work and fancy sticking some vinyl on the wheel (Mainly just to mess around) but might look in to getting some decent vinyl and might be able knock together other stuff for members.
JohnL - Replies:
8 - Views: 7942
Why you should never leave your sunroof open (Or your car key's unattended.)
Well the sun's out and one of the lads keeps leaving his sun roof open on his car and his key's on the desk. Argos is only over the road and noticed they had plastic balls and inflatable pools in stock. We always wondered what 800 balls and a 500 ltr pool looks like inside a Mazda 6
Needless to say every one involved is making sure their keys never leave their sight.