Engine Control Module
Bluetooth module
Heated seat module
Hi, I'm after a heater control panel with the heated seat function (without climate control) is anyone has 1 up for grabs please pm me
Powerfold mirrors folding on lock module
For the life of me I can't find the link. Anybody got it to hand?
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DAB Module for M072 Head Unit
Hey chaps!
Anyone interested in the DAB module with antenna that I have for the M072 unit? I only bought the thing out of curiosity and never actually listen to radio. It would need mounting somewhere better than where I mounted it but it works fine.
I'll create a sale post if needed but wanted to see if anyone was interested first as id have to take all my dash apart to get to it to take it out and get pics.
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RaduRek - Replies:
2 - Views: 7104
Climating module start
Hello all.
I am from Romania and for first escuse me for bad english.
I found this forum searching solutions for my car problem, really it is not a problem but rather a desire, namely: I have a auxiliary heater instalations on my car(Eberspacher Hydronic)aftermarket for cold season. She start on dedicated clock monted on board at a predetermined time or manually by remote control alarm. In my case she is serialized on colant liquid with motor circuit(like in photo).
After start, auxiliary
Wanted U4D DAB module
As per title in need of a U4D DAB module if anyone has one spare or knows of one for sale can you let me know please.
List of part numbers
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seat heating control module Fuse
Anyone know what 30amp fuse it’s for the seat heating control module?
Info I got it from,
Battery positive voltage is supplied at all times to the seat heating control module through a 30 A fuse located in the underbonnet fuse block. This voltage is used by the module to supply power to the seat heating elements. Ground for the module is provided at G307.
Bluetooth module for sale
Nothing to see here
EricMod - Replies:
9 - Views: 17990
Astra J Coming Home Module / Key Signal Diagram
Hey there guys!
I wanted to retrofit a Coming Home Module for my Astra J (A16XER).
The aftermarket Module needs a „door open“ signal to trigger the relay inside of it. I looked up in Autodata and searched the Internet but I cant find any useful information unfortunately. All I know is, the Body Control Module (BCM) should process the Signals but there are many cables to measure them all for my needed voltage signal.
Does somebody know or has a Wiring diagram/Pin assingment picture or something