Plugs glow in A17DTS
Hello guys.
Im searching for a plugs glow module in a A17DTS motor, because is very different at the rest of the 1.7cdti motors here in Spain (only a few).
I have this model in my Astra and this is very different, and i have not information of this.
I have a problem when start the car by morning, the fail is similar at the alert when a plug glow is broken, but all is ok, and suspect the fail is the module of plugs.
Please, any information is good, diagram, place, suggestions.
i will post
tucpal - Replies:
6 - Views: 5955
glow plugs
so at what milage should i change my glow plugs on my 2.0 cdti
anyone done it and tool needed for taking them out
Glow plugs
The dreaded “service vehicle soon” message came on yesterday and after calling into my local garage they diagnosed a faulty no2 glow plug but they hadn’t got time to fix it. I’ve looked online and found there are 2 types, one with pressure sensors and one without. How do you find out what type my car has?
Thanks in advance
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Forgot to add it’s a 2012 2.0 CDTI
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1.6 cdti Glow Plugs
[color=#383a3b][size=small][font=segoe ui,helvetica neue,Helvetica,Roboto,Oxygen,Ubuntu,Cantarell,fira sans,droid sans,sans-serif]I have a problem with glow plugs on my 2014 Astra 1.6 CDTI, the multi-function display intermittently comes up ‘Service Vehicle Soon’ so having
Glow Plugs 2.0 CDTI S/S
First of all, HOW MUCH !!!!!
My Astra has had the SVS message for a few months now, originally Cylinder #3, and now #4 also. I guess by not replacing the one first, the others are over compensating for the one thats down and has knocked out #4 also.
Anyway, typically with discounts at ECP they are around £11-£18 each.
This one is going to cost me £80 each !!
Really, for a blooming glow plug?
3 out of 4 glow plugs
I get a SvS fault when I start the car. I used a multimeter to measure the resistance of the glow plugs and one was not working, so I am betting the SvS is a faulty glow plug.
Will the electric current overload the 3 working ones, so they will fail soon? So I need to replace all of them asap? And will a car with 3/4 working glow plugs start fine in really cold weather like -15 Celsius?
Glow plug replacement - Things to consider
Hey Guys,
I have a 1.7 diesel 62 plate GTC.
I recently had the SVS message on the screen and had it scanned and turns out to by cylinder 3 glow plug and cylinder pressure (see pic).
I consider myself very competent DIYer but never done glow plugs before and obviously I've read the horror stories. Just wanted to know if there are any specific tips , tools , advice I should consider before tackling this job?
Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.[IMG]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202106
Glow Plug Torque specs
Hey guys,
I have a 62plate 1.7 Astra GTC j.
Does anyone know what the torque specs are in Nm for the glow plugs? I've read a few things but getting conflicting results.
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