milika - Replies:
7 - Views: 9620
Difference between 1.7 81kw and 92kw
just got a bit of a mystery when i went to the dealers.
His card reader says my Astra is 92kw, but my registration says its 81kw.
How can I physically tell the difference?
gazz292 - Replies:
1 - Views: 3541
Scrapyards between Chester and Scarborough
Looking for recommendations of friendly scrap yards with later model vauxhalls in, the type that let you wander around and pull the parts you want yourself... not because i want to nick anything, but because i need to see how things fit as i remove them.. and be able to get any extra fixings or wiring to enable me to retro fit items to my car.
I travel between Chester and Scarborough, along the M62 basically, and can call in any towns on route, and take a detour for a good place.
I only k
Telsun - Replies:
2 - Views: 3665
Difference between 1.4 120 & 140
I'm considering buying an Astra GTC and have found one that ticks most of the boxes, however I have just noticed that it is the 1.4 118 bhp model not the 138 bhp. What is the difference between the two engines? Is it physical or software? Could I still eventually achieve the same power output with tuning mods?
Distance in miles between regeneration
Hi guys after recently having a new dpf fitted I'm keen to keep it well maintained.
Was wondering what sort of miles people are getting between regens?