Is it me or are these too cheap?
So are you all ready for Trax and are you looking forward to it.
With only 1 whole day left till Trax who is ready.
& are looking to forward our first Club event?
Are we going to have a South Xmas meet?
Are us in the south up for a meet before xmas?
Hilly68 - Replies:
4 - Views: 12154
Are there Known Machanical Handbrake issues?
Hi All,
Are there any common, known, or even 'admitted' handbrake problems on Mechanical handbrakes?
Today, my wife came home, parked on our drive as normal.. put the handbrake on, then, after about 20 minutes, the car rolled backwards into our wall in an almost single movement, i.e., not over the 20 minutes from getting out of the car!
Now..... to dispel or acknowledge the obvious:
No, the car was not in gear..... Had that polite "I told you so" conversation and amazingly I survived
Romania's are coming
Romania's are coming.
Did anyone watch this? I recorded it and caught up on them in one go.
But all the way through I thought this can't be right, to me they showed only 1 side of Romania.
Alienbv - Replies:
5 - Views: 5611
What are those?
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone kniws what are those holes in the grill area for?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Tonto - Replies:
31 - Views: 23343
Where are you from ?
As the title says where are you from or based. I'm hoping to get a better idea of where our members are located for future events. So please comment either your town or city please.
Hev - Replies:
2 - Views: 3894
There are no words...........
mrtc - Replies:
11 - Views: 10852
what price did you pay and what size are your tyres
what price did you pay and what size are your tyres,
just wondered
mrtc - Replies:
6 - Views: 7071
what are people thoughts on chrome window pillars