mrtc - Replies:
8 - Views: 7075
anyone bought off aliexpress
alot of the interior trim im thinking about is available from the website aliexpress, anyone bought of the site,
is the quality any good as it seems very cheap
stuff i want to buy is speaker surround, rear door release surround stuff like that
mrtc - Replies:
9 - Views: 13047
aliexpress & international debit charge
ive been charged for using my debit card when i ordered off aliexpress, at the time i ended up odering my stuff in two orders so the bank has charged me 1.36 twice, bought from all over the world before never been charged, is this right, has this happened to anyone else
android 6.0 astra J system aliexpress
Hello guys!
Since some time i found out aliexpress sells some car systems for my Opel Astra J.
Since that time im thinking all the time if i should buy this system yes or no. Because i don't know the quality of the systems i still have doubts, so thats why i put some questions here.
Does any bought their system from aliexpress?
If yes, everything ok with this? Still working after some time?
I would like to buy this one: