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Sorry for our lack of support over the last year but MYBB is back and so are we.
Let's get the forum buzzing again... (March 25, 2022)x
Brill! Thanks will do will post pics when they come. Did loads of research and these have great reviews...apparently have great coverage and are much whiter than the stock ones too. The ones I really wanted were philips again but were 5000k and are apparently illegal in the UK :(
12:th-Oct-2015, 21:32:59 (This post was last modified: 12:th-Oct-2015, 21:39:10 by sheppy1.)
Yep sure is! I wanted the HIDS but it seemed like a lot of pretty intrusive work on the car! Ha. These are only about 3600k and apparently 5000k is closest to the white of HIDS but all the reviews say how white these look so will soon see . Should be here tomorrow, will try and fit them before it goes dark and get some photos
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So does anyone know if 2 bulbs is enough then? Not sure how many make up the main lights....I have DRLs so not sure if there are two other pairs in there or just one pair...
12:th-Oct-2015, 22:27:18 (This post was last modified: 12:th-Oct-2015, 22:27:54 by sheppy1.)
Ahhhh now that sounds likely! I just thought the full beams were the same as the normal ones but just got made brighter when you pulled stalk lol. Balls, gonna have to buy another pair! Hmmm that leads me onto the next questions... How do I know which are the main and which are the high beam bulbs when swapping mine out? As I won't be able to buy the high beam ones till mid next week
If my thinking is right... (if).. just turn lights on, main beam will be on and then change those ones, obviously turn lights off before removing bulbs..
Haha common sense approach there then tonto thanks both! Will replace my main beam ones today when they come as I say and then order the high beam ones next week
Also for those wanting to replace any bulbs (this applies to the passenger side lights) you're probably gonna find that the wiper bottle gets in your way...this actually pulls right out no problems! I couldn't get to this bulb without removing it:
Can't wait to see how bright they are in the morning though! also the bulbs closest to the outsides of the car are the main lights and closest to the bumper are high beams
Ahhh okay yeah I came across some like that in my searches trying to find some good, legal, white ones lol. In the end it turned out I could get these which are legal and apparently really bright and light the road up for a pretty good distance or get the UK illegal ones... Others apparently looked white but didn't last long etc etc. In the end they're bulbs and I realised I do have issues seeing far when it's raining and dark so opted for these and hoped they were white... Which they aren't really but oh well lol
(13:th-Oct-2015, 19:58:52)tucpal Wrote: But they are the best for sure vision will be much better at night I have my standard lights back in and I have the same bulbs there ace
13:th-Oct-2015, 20:16:00 (This post was last modified: 13:th-Oct-2015, 20:18:37 by sheppy1.)
(13:th-Oct-2015, 19:58:52)tucpal Wrote: But they are the best for sure vision will be much better at night I have my standard lights back in and I have the same bulbs there ace
That's good to hear mate! especailly with the amount of darkness and rain we will be getting again lol
Crap rims I know but only pic I can find that shows off what I want....I was chatting to the guy who fit my tyres for me and he said the company he works for does alloy re-spraying! He suggested this 2 tonme effect for my alloys...what you all think?
So it would be silver on the outside and grey on the sides/inside of the spokes
They're pretty bright I'll give them that! And actually do look pretty white when you're driving compared to the stock ones. Have great coverage too, the original ones sort of covered right in front of the car in a sort of cone shape... These have a sort of square coverage the width of the car! Impressed anyway
Awesome mate, yeah I know why you mean. I can't decide what to do next on car lol, keep doing the cheaper options as I want either oem sat nav or same as Rusty, change colour of wheels and heated seats at some point lol
Lmao, I'm just ordering some red footwell lights as changing from blue... Need to fit my drl bulbs I have to see why they look like! Just the cheap mtec ones though so not sure about using as heard they fall out...
Awwww what! I want everything blue myself and currently have red! Haha. Hmmm what model Astra do you have? Always found vauxhall a bit world with their extras! Mine is the mid level Astra and had DRLs as standard but I've seen elites which are newer than mine which don't have them...weird.
Yeah it's all messed up, I have a 2011 2.0cdti Sri. No extras either. I've ordered red so will see what I think but could send you the blue if I stick with the red ones mate, blue does look awesome like!
Soooo I think I'm out of small jobs to do to the car now lol. All the things I want done now are either a bad idea (shark fin) or cost in excess of £200 (alloy painting, satnav system, electric mirrors) :(
I'm just trying to work my way through the little jobs, new footwell lights are on way, need new drls and then fit along with new whiter main bulbs are next up
I want one just for the look, ideally I want to retrofit the sat nav 500 600 or whatever so would need the gps one then. But as I'm skint with having a 5 month old it's just small things atm.
Okay so nothing out of the ordinary here but now have the front pocket LED strips installed which look really great along with the already built in door handle ones!
Need to do the same for the back when I get chance thanks for those that helped
Cheers guys! I'm made up with how contained it looks! Thought it would just light up the whole of the cat and annoy me but it doesn't at all!
Bulbs are great mate! They don't look showy from the outside e.g. White or anything but they're very practical! Great lighting pattern on them and great distance too! 😀
Cheers all! With regards to the back ones... Do I also need to splice into the very same window switch wire to give them power? I didn't want too really as it's looking a bit cramped there now with two wires spliced into it already lol