Hello again. Some fresh news. Onstar antenna with Calearo Fm radio module integrated.
I've bought a cheap Onstar antenna from ebay and painted it to white. The only reason why I changed it was because the first oem antenna I had was too small to fit the calearo module, my radio recepcion was bad and now its working really good.
Meanwhile eibach pro kit was fitted too. I'm really happy with it for daily drive, it's 30mm lower, confort wasn't compromised and the handling is a bit better.
That's it for now!
I've bought a cheap Onstar antenna from ebay and painted it to white. The only reason why I changed it was because the first oem antenna I had was too small to fit the calearo module, my radio recepcion was bad and now its working really good.
Meanwhile eibach pro kit was fitted too. I'm really happy with it for daily drive, it's 30mm lower, confort wasn't compromised and the handling is a bit better.
That's it for now!