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So just had my second service just under 12300 miles covered mostly motorway & I've had to have new front pads.

WTF, never have brake pads worn so fast and I'm a driver that uses engine braking.

What at are other people's thoughts on the Pads?

I've replaced mine with Delphi ones I know Delphi make them for Vauxhall but I hope they are better.
my front pads were replaced at 18.500 miles
and rears were 50% worn so replaced them also
The VXR is on it's 2nd set of rear pads and it's 3rd set of front pads it's just under 28k now. Although the fronts were replaced recently even though they were only about 30% worn. The J before that had the rear's changed very soon in to owner ship can't remember if it was the 1st or second service however after they were changed the next set lasted a lot better. I have a mixed driving style but do try to stick to engine breaking as much as possible.
Had all my discs & pads replaced at 60k miles...
Just had my car serviced. 4 year old and has done 37600, no signs of needing replaced. In fact don't expect needing them replaced before 65000.
As per my advanced driver training, its ALWAYS better to use brakes over engine breaking. Brake replacements are far cheaper than engine wear/damage. I learnt this lesson years ago. Hth
That's very strange, I was told by an old Rols Roice chofu r taught on a Driver course run by RR that it was far better to select a lower gear while going down a hill, and to use engine breaking.
Years ago I was told when getting the car serviced that REAL drivers were driving our car as the brakes were hardly used.
I was always taught to engine brake. I think alot of these advance driver things now are more set up for modern cars where the brakes are far better.

It's like the quickest way to stop a car is to pump the brakes yet you are taught to just hit the brakes.