Full Version: New clicking noise
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Anyone throw any ideas at me.
My brakes are noisy so I'm going to change the discs in a few days.
But when I stop driving forward and reverse say onto my drive when I brake I hear a click like something has become unstuck.
Only happens when I reverse from moving forward and only does it once.
Doesn't do it when I go from reverse to forward but when I reverse again.
I've take the wheel off to see if the disc plate is rubbing or the pads not sitting right but seems ok.
Anything to look for when i get the discs off?

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cv joint i had this problem also the drivers side seems to be the problem
I was think a joint of some sort. Long shot but covered under warranty? Or cheap enough and easy to do yourself whilst the wheels are off?

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Can't see it being covered under warranty you can but try.
What about fixing it yourself? They cheap to buy or am I look at a huge garage bill?

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get an independent garage to check it out
if it is the cv joint then get a price to fix it from them
or just by the complete shaft second hand it may be cheaper just to swap it over
but new prices are very expensive for the whole shaft
but not going to the dealers will save you money
Full drive shafts with cvs cost about £90 delivered 2nd hand or about £690 from vauxhall